Watch documentaries and PBS classics from 8pm - 6am.
Read stories with librarians from the Ann Arbor District Library.
Students showcase their submissions to the national PBS/KQED Youth Media Challenges alongside student-produced interviews about their work.
Learn how you can help the early learns in your life build the skills and muscles needed to be great writers.
Asking questions while reading can help build comprehension and expand the reading experience.
Hacer preguntas mientras se lee puede ayudar a desarrollar la comprensión y ampliar la experiencia de lectura. Asking questions while reading can help build comprehension and expand the reading experience.
Arabic Language - Asking questions while reading can help build comprehension and expand the reading experience. يمكن أن يساعد طرح الأسئلة أثناء القراءة في بناء الفهم وتوسيع تجربة القراءة.
Learn how having a conversation with the little ones in your life helps to build skills for reading and writing.
Arabic Language - Learn how having a conversation with the little ones in your life helps to build skills for reading and writing. تعلم كيف أن إجراء محادثة مع الصغار في حياتك يساعد على بناء مهارات القراءة والكتابة.
Aprenda cómo puede ayudar a los estudiantes pequeños en su vida a desarrollar las habilidades y los músculos para ser grandes escritores. Learn how having a conversation with the little ones in your life helps to build skills for reading and writing.
Identifying letters and their sounds helps to build the understanding the letters make up words and words make up sentences.
Arabic Language - Identifying letters and their sounds helps to build the understanding the letters make up words and words make up sentences. يساعد التعرف على الحروف وأصواتها في بناء فهم الحروف تشكل الكلمات والكلمات تشكل الجمل.
Identificar letras y sus sonidos ayuda a desarrollar la comprensión de que las letras forman palabras y las palabras forman oraciones. Identifying letters and their sounds helps to build the understanding the letters make up words and words make up sentences.
Learn the simple things you can do, like having conversations with your infant, that can help build the foundations to be good learners.
Arabic Language - Learn the simple things you can do, like having conversations with your infant, that can help build the foundations to be good learners. تعلم الأشياء البسيطة التي يمكنك القيام بها ، مثل إجراء محادثات مع طفلك الرضيع ، والتي يمكن أن تساعد في بناء الأسس لتكون متعلمًا جيدًا.
Aprenda las cosas simples que puede hacer, como tener conversaciones con su bebé, que pueden ayudar a construir las bases para ser buenos aprendices. Learn the simple things you can do, like having conversations with your infant, that can help build the foundations to be good learners.
Playing with words sounds can help to build understanding of letter sound relationships and how letters build words.
Arabic Language - Playing with words sounds can help to build understanding of letter sound relationships and how letters build words. يمكن أن يساعد اللعب بأصوات الكلمات في بناء فهم للعلاقات الصوتية بين الحروف وكيفية بناء الكلمات للكلمات.
Jugar con los sonidos de las palabras puede ayudar a desarrollar la comprensión de las relaciones entre los sonidos de las letras y cómo las letras forman palabras. Playing with words sounds can help to build understanding of letter sound relationships and how letters build words.
Learn about how you can use the words in the world all around us to help teach early learners about words and letters, while also teaching them about the world.
"Aprenda cómo puede usar las palabras en el mundo alrededor para ayudar a enseñar a los de aprendizaje temprano sobre palabras y letras, mientras también se les enseña sobre el mundo. Learn about how you can use the words in the world all around us to help teach early learners about words and letters, while also teaching them about the world.
Arabic Language - Learn about how you can use the words in the world all around us to help teach early learners about words and letters, while also teaching them about the world. تعرف على كيفية استخدام الكلمات الموجودة في العالم من حولنا للمساعدة في تعليم المتعلمين الأوائل حول الكلمات والحروف ، مع تعليمهم أيضًا عن العالم.
Reading out loud is fundamental to early learning. Learn some helpful tips to get the most out of shared reading time.
Leer en voz alta es fundamental para el aprendizaje temprano. Conozca algunos consejos útiles para aprovechar al máximo el tiempo de lectura compartida. Reading out loud is fundamental to early learning. Learn some helpful tips to get the most out of shared reading time.
Arabic Language - Reading out loud is fundamental to early learning. Learn some helpful tips to get the most out of shared reading time. القراءة بصوت عالٍ أمر أساسي للتعلم المبكر. تعرف على بعض النصائح المفيدة لتحقيق أقصى استفادة من وقت القراءة المشترك.
Infants and toddlers learn best when their basic needs are taken care of and when they feel loved and safe. Learn some simple things you can do to set the stage for learning.
Los bebés y los niños pequeños aprenden mejor cuando se atienden sus necesidades básicas y cuando se sienten amados y seguros. Aprenda algunas cosas simples que puede hacer para preparar el escenario para el aprendizaje. Infants and toddlers learn best when their basic needs are taken care of and when they feel loved and safe. Learn some simple things you can do to set the stage for learning.
Arabic Language - Infants and toddlers learn best when their basic needs are taken care of and when they feel loved and safe. Learn some simple things you can do to set the stage for learning. يتعلم الرضع والأطفال الصغار بشكل أفضل عندما يتم الاهتمام باحتياجاتهم الأساسية وعندما يشعرون بالحب والأمان. تعلم بعض الأشياء البسيطة التي يمكنك القيام بها لتمهيد الطريق للتعلم.
Arabic Language - Learn how you can help the early learns in your life build the skills and muscles needed to be great writers. تعلم كيف يمكنك مساعدة المتعلمين في وقت مبكر من حياتك على بناء المهارات والعضلات اللازمة ليكونوا كتابا عظماء.
Aprenda cómo puede ayudar a los jóvenes estudiantes en su vida a desarrollar las habilidades y los músculos para ser grandes escritores. Learn how you can help the early learns in your life build the skills and muscles needed to be great writers.
Tips on using how using your child's name can help develop writing skills.
Usar el nombre de su hijo puede ayudar a desarrollar habilidades de escritura. Tips on using how using your child's name can help develop writing skills.
Arabic Language - Tips on using how using your child's name can help develop writing skills. نصائح حول كيفية استخدام اسم طفلك يمكن أن تساعد في تطوير مهارات الكتابة.
How can a walk around your neighborhood, grocery store, or even just in your imagination help build literacy skills? Find out in this segment of Ready to ROAR!
"¿Cómo puede un paseo por su vecindario, tienda de comida o simplemente en su imaginación ayudar a desarrollar habilidades de alfabetización? Descúbrelo en este segmento de Ready to ROAR! How can a walk around your neighborhood, grocery store, or even just in your imagination help build literacy skills? Find out in this segment of Ready to ROAR!
Arabic Language - How can a walk around your neighborhood, grocery store, or even just in your imagination help build literacy skills? Find out in this segment of Ready to ROAR! كيف يمكن للتجول في منطقتك أو محل بقالتك أو حتى مجرد مخيلتك أن يساعد في بناء مهارات معرفة القراءة والكتابة؟ اكتشف ذلك في هذا الجزء من Ready to ROAR!
Lesson 106
Follow a recipe to make a healthy snack with a funny face, and read a story about gardening.
Build a foundation of literacy skills with your early learners.
Lesson 105
Learn all about the letter /a/ including its sounds, and how to write it. Then find the letter /a/ in a riddle about an agile animal.
Lesson 104
Play with the sounds that start words and act like animals in the outdoors in this exciting episode.
Lesson 103
Practice action, or movement, words as we read the story Over and Under the Pond.
Lesson 102
Take a trip outdoors using our imaginations and write about your adventure with some help from Mr. Colón.
Lesson 101
Practice writing the first letter of your name in a sandbox, talk about other things that you can do in a sandbox, and strengthen our core muscles with a fun Brain Break.
Kindergarten–3rd Grade learners build literacy skills with engaging ELA lessons.
Lesson 214
Wimee and friends sing about things that are bright; Miss Jessica teaches us how to think like an inventor; Jennifer from the Los Angeles Public Library shares a wordless picture book called Flashlight; and Ms. Kelaine shows us how to light up a bulb with a potato!
Lesson 215
Wimee and team share fun animal sounds; Moby teaches us about zoos; John Ball Zoo shows us what their animals eat; in Check Out This Book, we’re introduced to a book where we can learn what zoos do with all that poo; and Wimee and friends sing about seeing all kinds of animals at the zoo in JimTime!
Lesson 216
Wimee and friends write a story about cotton candy rain; Language Explorers translate the word “plant” into six languages; Jim writes a song about flowers; Wimee and team play a Number Crunching game; and the Flower family shares their beautiful Rainbow of Colors video with us!
Lesson 217
Wimee and friends sing a silly song about marching monkeys; they write a story about a rotten mango; Jim sings a monkey song about opposites; Joyanne from Kent District Library shares a book about an old monkey; and Wimee and team play a rhyming game and do a scavenger hunt!
Lesson 218
Wimee and friends sing about what they can get in the mail; in JimTime, Wimee and friends sing about things that WON’T fit in an envelope; Ms. Lisa from Kent District Library shares a book about a lost package; and Brody shares the video he produced of a mom receiving something special in the mail!
Lesson 219
Wimee writes a story about taking an unusual bath; Moby tells us about how soap works; Miss Jessica introduces us to a very catchy tune to wash our hands to; Abigail joins the show to tell us about her enjoyment of baking; and the team plays games and dances to Miss Jessica's song as a farewell!
Watch documentaries and PBS classics from 8pm - 6am.
Read stories with librarians from the Ann Arbor District Library.
Students showcase their submissions to the national PBS/KQED Youth Media Challenges alongside student-produced interviews about their work.
Learn how you can help the early learns in your life build the skills and muscles needed to be great writers.
Asking questions while reading can help build comprehension and expand the reading experience.
Hacer preguntas mientras se lee puede ayudar a desarrollar la comprensión y ampliar la experiencia de lectura. Asking questions while reading can help build comprehension and expand the reading experience.
Arabic Language - Asking questions while reading can help build comprehension and expand the reading experience. يمكن أن يساعد طرح الأسئلة أثناء القراءة في بناء الفهم وتوسيع تجربة القراءة.
Learn how having a conversation with the little ones in your life helps to build skills for reading and writing.
Arabic Language - Learn how having a conversation with the little ones in your life helps to build skills for reading and writing. تعلم كيف أن إجراء محادثة مع الصغار في حياتك يساعد على بناء مهارات القراءة والكتابة.
Aprenda cómo puede ayudar a los estudiantes pequeños en su vida a desarrollar las habilidades y los músculos para ser grandes escritores. Learn how having a conversation with the little ones in your life helps to build skills for reading and writing.
Identifying letters and their sounds helps to build the understanding the letters make up words and words make up sentences.
Arabic Language - Identifying letters and their sounds helps to build the understanding the letters make up words and words make up sentences. يساعد التعرف على الحروف وأصواتها في بناء فهم الحروف تشكل الكلمات والكلمات تشكل الجمل.
Identificar letras y sus sonidos ayuda a desarrollar la comprensión de que las letras forman palabras y las palabras forman oraciones. Identifying letters and their sounds helps to build the understanding the letters make up words and words make up sentences.
Learn the simple things you can do, like having conversations with your infant, that can help build the foundations to be good learners.
Arabic Language - Learn the simple things you can do, like having conversations with your infant, that can help build the foundations to be good learners. تعلم الأشياء البسيطة التي يمكنك القيام بها ، مثل إجراء محادثات مع طفلك الرضيع ، والتي يمكن أن تساعد في بناء الأسس لتكون متعلمًا جيدًا.
Aprenda las cosas simples que puede hacer, como tener conversaciones con su bebé, que pueden ayudar a construir las bases para ser buenos aprendices. Learn the simple things you can do, like having conversations with your infant, that can help build the foundations to be good learners.
Playing with words sounds can help to build understanding of letter sound relationships and how letters build words.
Arabic Language - Playing with words sounds can help to build understanding of letter sound relationships and how letters build words. يمكن أن يساعد اللعب بأصوات الكلمات في بناء فهم للعلاقات الصوتية بين الحروف وكيفية بناء الكلمات للكلمات.
Jugar con los sonidos de las palabras puede ayudar a desarrollar la comprensión de las relaciones entre los sonidos de las letras y cómo las letras forman palabras. Playing with words sounds can help to build understanding of letter sound relationships and how letters build words.
Learn about how you can use the words in the world all around us to help teach early learners about words and letters, while also teaching them about the world.
"Aprenda cómo puede usar las palabras en el mundo alrededor para ayudar a enseñar a los de aprendizaje temprano sobre palabras y letras, mientras también se les enseña sobre el mundo. Learn about how you can use the words in the world all around us to help teach early learners about words and letters, while also teaching them about the world.
Arabic Language - Learn about how you can use the words in the world all around us to help teach early learners about words and letters, while also teaching them about the world. تعرف على كيفية استخدام الكلمات الموجودة في العالم من حولنا للمساعدة في تعليم المتعلمين الأوائل حول الكلمات والحروف ، مع تعليمهم أيضًا عن العالم.
Reading out loud is fundamental to early learning. Learn some helpful tips to get the most out of shared reading time.
Leer en voz alta es fundamental para el aprendizaje temprano. Conozca algunos consejos útiles para aprovechar al máximo el tiempo de lectura compartida. Reading out loud is fundamental to early learning. Learn some helpful tips to get the most out of shared reading time.
Arabic Language - Reading out loud is fundamental to early learning. Learn some helpful tips to get the most out of shared reading time. القراءة بصوت عالٍ أمر أساسي للتعلم المبكر. تعرف على بعض النصائح المفيدة لتحقيق أقصى استفادة من وقت القراءة المشترك.
Infants and toddlers learn best when their basic needs are taken care of and when they feel loved and safe. Learn some simple things you can do to set the stage for learning.
Los bebés y los niños pequeños aprenden mejor cuando se atienden sus necesidades básicas y cuando se sienten amados y seguros. Aprenda algunas cosas simples que puede hacer para preparar el escenario para el aprendizaje. Infants and toddlers learn best when their basic needs are taken care of and when they feel loved and safe. Learn some simple things you can do to set the stage for learning.
Arabic Language - Infants and toddlers learn best when their basic needs are taken care of and when they feel loved and safe. Learn some simple things you can do to set the stage for learning. يتعلم الرضع والأطفال الصغار بشكل أفضل عندما يتم الاهتمام باحتياجاتهم الأساسية وعندما يشعرون بالحب والأمان. تعلم بعض الأشياء البسيطة التي يمكنك القيام بها لتمهيد الطريق للتعلم.
Arabic Language - Learn how you can help the early learns in your life build the skills and muscles needed to be great writers. تعلم كيف يمكنك مساعدة المتعلمين في وقت مبكر من حياتك على بناء المهارات والعضلات اللازمة ليكونوا كتابا عظماء.
Aprenda cómo puede ayudar a los jóvenes estudiantes en su vida a desarrollar las habilidades y los músculos para ser grandes escritores. Learn how you can help the early learns in your life build the skills and muscles needed to be great writers.
Tips on using how using your child's name can help develop writing skills.
Usar el nombre de su hijo puede ayudar a desarrollar habilidades de escritura. Tips on using how using your child's name can help develop writing skills.
Arabic Language - Tips on using how using your child's name can help develop writing skills. نصائح حول كيفية استخدام اسم طفلك يمكن أن تساعد في تطوير مهارات الكتابة.
How can a walk around your neighborhood, grocery store, or even just in your imagination help build literacy skills? Find out in this segment of Ready to ROAR!
"¿Cómo puede un paseo por su vecindario, tienda de comida o simplemente en su imaginación ayudar a desarrollar habilidades de alfabetización? Descúbrelo en este segmento de Ready to ROAR! How can a walk around your neighborhood, grocery store, or even just in your imagination help build literacy skills? Find out in this segment of Ready to ROAR!
Arabic Language - How can a walk around your neighborhood, grocery store, or even just in your imagination help build literacy skills? Find out in this segment of Ready to ROAR! كيف يمكن للتجول في منطقتك أو محل بقالتك أو حتى مجرد مخيلتك أن يساعد في بناء مهارات معرفة القراءة والكتابة؟ اكتشف ذلك في هذا الجزء من Ready to ROAR!
Lesson 106
Follow a recipe to make a healthy snack with a funny face, and read a story about gardening.
Build a foundation of literacy skills with your early learners.
Lesson 105
Learn all about the letter /a/ including its sounds, and how to write it. Then find the letter /a/ in a riddle about an agile animal.
Lesson 104
Play with the sounds that start words and act like animals in the outdoors in this exciting episode.
Lesson 103
Practice action, or movement, words as we read the story Over and Under the Pond.
Lesson 102
Take a trip outdoors using our imaginations and write about your adventure with some help from Mr. Colón.
Lesson 101
Practice writing the first letter of your name in a sandbox, talk about other things that you can do in a sandbox, and strengthen our core muscles with a fun Brain Break.
Kindergarten–3rd Grade learners build literacy skills with engaging ELA lessons.
Lesson 214
Wimee and friends sing about things that are bright; Miss Jessica teaches us how to think like an inventor; Jennifer from the Los Angeles Public Library shares a wordless picture book called Flashlight; and Ms. Kelaine shows us how to light up a bulb with a potato!
Lesson 215
Wimee and team share fun animal sounds; Moby teaches us about zoos; John Ball Zoo shows us what their animals eat; in Check Out This Book, we’re introduced to a book where we can learn what zoos do with all that poo; and Wimee and friends sing about seeing all kinds of animals at the zoo in JimTime!
Lesson 216
Wimee and friends write a story about cotton candy rain; Language Explorers translate the word “plant” into six languages; Jim writes a song about flowers; Wimee and team play a Number Crunching game; and the Flower family shares their beautiful Rainbow of Colors video with us!
Lesson 217
Wimee and friends sing a silly song about marching monkeys; they write a story about a rotten mango; Jim sings a monkey song about opposites; Joyanne from Kent District Library shares a book about an old monkey; and Wimee and team play a rhyming game and do a scavenger hunt!
Lesson 218
Wimee and friends sing about what they can get in the mail; in JimTime, Wimee and friends sing about things that WON’T fit in an envelope; Ms. Lisa from Kent District Library shares a book about a lost package; and Brody shares the video he produced of a mom receiving something special in the mail!
Lesson 219
Wimee writes a story about taking an unusual bath; Moby tells us about how soap works; Miss Jessica introduces us to a very catchy tune to wash our hands to; Abigail joins the show to tell us about her enjoyment of baking; and the team plays games and dances to Miss Jessica's song as a farewell!