Recognize a variety of real and non-real characters through guided dramatization.
Recognize characters, environments, and situations that support the creation of a classroom dramatization.
With teacher assistance, create a chart of good health habits for their room.
Demonstrate the ability to draw alphabet letters in the air using parts of the body.
Demonstrate uses of the voice, proper instrumental technique, and steady beat.
Sing and play expressively utilizing extreme opposites of dynamics and interpretation.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, an accompaniment for a selection with non-pitched percussion classroom instruments.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, an answer to a melodic question.
Understand artistic knowledge as an important tool for successful living in the 21st century. (21st Century Skills: II.1, II.5, III.7)
Analyze the impact of visual culture on society. (21st Century Skills: I.3, III.2, III.7)
Identify the role visual arts play in enhancing civic responsibility and community. (21st Century Skills: I.3, I.6, III.2, III.4, III.7, [...]
Explore basic locomotor movements; e.g., walk, run, gallop, slide, and jump moving in a straight pathway.
Introduce and explore non-locomotor/axial movements in personal space by bending, stretching, reaching and twisting.
Move at moderate tempo while in personal space, with the teacher and without the teacher.
Identify body parts by touching: head, neck, arms, legs, feet, shoulders, and knees.
Follow teacher-direct movement responses involving props; e.g., scarves, bean bags, parachute.
Experience an age-appropriate dance or dance concert, and discuss the experience.
Apply organizational principles and methods to create innovative works of art and design products. (21st Century Skills: I.1, I.2, III.3)
Apply knowledge and skill to symbolize the essence of an idea. (21st Century Skills: I.1, I.6)
Reflect, articulate, and edit the development of artwork throughout the creative process. (21st Century Skills: I.4, II.7, III.3, III.4)
Use emergent technologies and materials to create artistic products that demonstrate knowledge of context, values, and aesthetics. (21st Century Skills: [...]
Create collaboratively to resolve visual problems. (21st Century Skills: I.1, I.4, I.5, III.1)
Explore social and global issues through the application of the creative process. (21st Century Skills: III.7, III.8, III.9, III.10)
Recognize a variety of real and non-real characters through guided dramatization.
Recognize characters, environments, and situations that support the creation of a classroom dramatization.
With teacher assistance, create a chart of good health habits for their room.
Demonstrate the ability to draw alphabet letters in the air using parts of the body.
Demonstrate uses of the voice, proper instrumental technique, and steady beat.
Sing and play expressively utilizing extreme opposites of dynamics and interpretation.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, an accompaniment for a selection with non-pitched percussion classroom instruments.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, an answer to a melodic question.
Understand artistic knowledge as an important tool for successful living in the 21st century. (21st Century Skills: II.1, II.5, III.7)
Analyze the impact of visual culture on society. (21st Century Skills: I.3, III.2, III.7)
Identify the role visual arts play in enhancing civic responsibility and community. (21st Century Skills: I.3, I.6, III.2, III.4, III.7, [...]
Explore basic locomotor movements; e.g., walk, run, gallop, slide, and jump moving in a straight pathway.
Introduce and explore non-locomotor/axial movements in personal space by bending, stretching, reaching and twisting.
Move at moderate tempo while in personal space, with the teacher and without the teacher.
Identify body parts by touching: head, neck, arms, legs, feet, shoulders, and knees.
Follow teacher-direct movement responses involving props; e.g., scarves, bean bags, parachute.
Experience an age-appropriate dance or dance concert, and discuss the experience.
Apply organizational principles and methods to create innovative works of art and design products. (21st Century Skills: I.1, I.2, III.3)
Apply knowledge and skill to symbolize the essence of an idea. (21st Century Skills: I.1, I.6)
Reflect, articulate, and edit the development of artwork throughout the creative process. (21st Century Skills: I.4, II.7, III.3, III.4)
Use emergent technologies and materials to create artistic products that demonstrate knowledge of context, values, and aesthetics. (21st Century Skills: [...]
Create collaboratively to resolve visual problems. (21st Century Skills: I.1, I.4, I.5, III.1)
Explore social and global issues through the application of the creative process. (21st Century Skills: III.7, III.8, III.9, III.10)