Design artwork using computers and electronic media to create original works of art.
Select a piece of personal artwork, critique it using art terminology, and make revisions.
Recognize how the available materials and processes in a particular time or place can influence the art that is created.
Investigate and identify careers related to artists who work in specific media.
Observe and identify similarities and differences in the meanings of common vocabulary used in the various 3rd grade arts.
Observe and identify cross-curricular connections within the 3rd grade curriculum.
Illustrate characters, environments, and situations that support the creation of a classroom dramatization.
Analyze elements of dramatic structure for successful classroom dramatization.
Respond to and build upon ideas of others' personal preferences for stage design.
Infer lessons from multicultural stories, fairy tales, tall tales, fables, and legends.
Identify the similarities and differences between live and recorded theatrical events.
Compare the use of various materials to communicate ideas and sensory experiences in an artwork.
Use a system to read quarter notes and rests, eighth notes, half notes, and whole notes.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, rhythmic and melodic ostinati accompaniments.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, answers that are rhythmic and melodic.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, melodic embellishments for a familiar song.
Use a variety of traditional and non-traditional sound sources and electronic media when composing, arranging, and improvising appropriate to 3rd [...]
Add vocal, instrumental, and physical responses to a selection presented in 3rd grade.
Use invented or standard notation to transcribe increasingly difficult rhythms and melodies.
Describe the music performed and presented in 3rd grade by moving, drawing, or through other appropriate responses.
With teacher guidance, use music vocabulary to analyze, describe, and evaluate music of various styles.
Identify the timbre of specific instruments in string, brass, woodwinds, and percussion families.
Devise student created criteria for objective evaluation of performances and compositions.
Design artwork using computers and electronic media to create original works of art.
Select a piece of personal artwork, critique it using art terminology, and make revisions.
Recognize how the available materials and processes in a particular time or place can influence the art that is created.
Investigate and identify careers related to artists who work in specific media.
Observe and identify similarities and differences in the meanings of common vocabulary used in the various 3rd grade arts.
Observe and identify cross-curricular connections within the 3rd grade curriculum.
Illustrate characters, environments, and situations that support the creation of a classroom dramatization.
Analyze elements of dramatic structure for successful classroom dramatization.
Respond to and build upon ideas of others' personal preferences for stage design.
Infer lessons from multicultural stories, fairy tales, tall tales, fables, and legends.
Identify the similarities and differences between live and recorded theatrical events.
Compare the use of various materials to communicate ideas and sensory experiences in an artwork.
Use a system to read quarter notes and rests, eighth notes, half notes, and whole notes.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, rhythmic and melodic ostinati accompaniments.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, answers that are rhythmic and melodic.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, melodic embellishments for a familiar song.
Use a variety of traditional and non-traditional sound sources and electronic media when composing, arranging, and improvising appropriate to 3rd [...]
Add vocal, instrumental, and physical responses to a selection presented in 3rd grade.
Use invented or standard notation to transcribe increasingly difficult rhythms and melodies.
Describe the music performed and presented in 3rd grade by moving, drawing, or through other appropriate responses.
With teacher guidance, use music vocabulary to analyze, describe, and evaluate music of various styles.
Identify the timbre of specific instruments in string, brass, woodwinds, and percussion families.
Devise student created criteria for objective evaluation of performances and compositions.