Two Series for Preschoolers and Parents
Are the infants, toddlers, and early learners in your life Ready to ROAR? Being ready to roar means having the experiences and building the skills and muscles that will help little ones when they are learning to read and write. Learn the simple things you can do to make a big impact in the early learners in your life.
Read, Write, ROAR! Preschool is an English Language Arts program for preschool learners. The Michigan Learning Channel partnered with MAISA and real Michigan teachers to create educational video lessons and corresponding activity sheets that align to Michigan teaching standards and the Literacy Essentials.
These lessons and activity sheets helps students build foundational literacy skills through letter writing, read-alouds, and more. Parents and educators can use these resources to build on what students are covering in school, as extra practice on key topics, and as fun activities to break up the day.
Ready to Roar is a series of short, parent-facing segments that are included in episodes of Read, Write, ROAR! Preschool that are based on the 0-3 Literacy Essentials. Ready to Roar will be available to stream soon!
More Read, Write, ROAR!
See all of our resources for the elementary series with curriculum breakdowns, printables, and more.
For Pre-K
Lesson 201
What are the people who help us stores and restaurants called? Service workers! Learn all about these community helpers as we prepare a menu and start our own pizzeria!
Lesson 202
Learn all about Food and Farm Workers, who are very important Community Helpers. Then, try farming for yourself by learning how to plant your own food!
Lesson 203
Where can you go to find books, movies, music, and so much more? The library! Libraries are the home for books in our communities and they are run by librarians. Learn all about how librarians do their work, and then help us write a song all about them!
Lesson 205
Learn about the people who make the buildings in our workers. Learn about the tools they use and even practice building on your own!
Lesson 206
How do packages and letters make it to our homes? They are delivered by community helpers called mail carriers. Learn how to write your own letters to a friend.
Lesson 106
Follow a recipe to make a healthy snack with a funny face, and read a story about gardening.
Lesson 105
Learn all about the letter /a/ including its sounds, and how to write it. Then find the letter /a/ in a riddle about an agile animal.
Lesson 104
Play with the sounds that start words and act like animals in the outdoors in this exciting episode.
Lesson 103
Practice action, or movement, words as we read the story Over and Under the Pond.
Read, Write, ROAR for Parents Lessons
The library is an excellent resource for children to discover a wide variety of books and informative and digital texts, along with different text genres like poetry. This diversity
Playing with construction toys like blocks, or using things around them to build with their child, is a good time to practice literacy skills.
Escribir nuevas letras para canciones conocidas es una forma divertida de jugar con las palabras y desarrollar habilidades lingüísticas en los niños. El ritmo y el tono también son importantes cuando los niños hablan. Writing new lyrics for familiar songs is a fun way to play with words and develop language skills in children. Rhythm and tone are also important when children speak.
Jugar con juguetes de construcción, como bloques, o usar las cosas a su alrededor para construir con su hijo es un buen momento para practicar las habilidades de alfabetización. Playing with construction toys like blocks, or using things around them to build with their child, is a good time to practice literacy skills.
La biblioteca es un excelente recurso para que los niños descubran gran variedad de libros y textos informativos y digitales, junto con diferentes géneros de texto, como la poesía. Esta variedad ofrece múltiples opciones para que los niños elijan, y que tengan opciones es importante. The library is an excellent resource for children to discover a wide variety of books and informative and digital texts, along with different text genres like poetry. This diversity provides multiple options for children to choose from, and having choices is important.
Las oportunidades de escritura que tiene el niño a diario son importantes para el desarrollo de su alfabetización. El juego dramático y el tiempo de fantasía son oportunidades perfectas para practicar las habilidades de lectoescritura. The daily writing opportunities that the child has are important for their literacy development. Dramatic play and fantasy time are perfect opportunities to practice reading and writing skills.
"Seguir instrucciones paso a paso escritas es una excelente manera de fomentar la lectoescritura en las actividades cotidianas. Conecta el texto con acciones y además ofrece una oportunidad de mantener conversaciones más amplias con el niño que incluyan preguntas que no se responden con un simple sí o no." "Following step-by-step written instructions is an excellent way to promote literacy in everyday activities. It connects the text with actions and also provides an opportunity for broader conversations with the child, including questions that aren't answered with a simple yes or no."
Early experiments in writing words can sometimes lead to misspellings or even things that aren't letters at all. Learn about how this is normal and part of the learning process.
En un mundo lleno de tecnología y donde todo llega con gran rapidez, ¿por qué no aprovechar una oportunidad de ir más despacio? Dedicar tiempo a redactar, escribir y enviar cartas a los amigos y la familia es una forma de hacerlo. In a world full of technology and where everything comes quickly, why not take the opportunity to slow down? Spending time composing, writing, and sending letters to friends and family is a way to do so.
Aprenda cómo puede usar el tiempo de lectura para ayudar a los primeros estudiantes en su vida a aprender nuevas palabras y su significado. Learn how you can use reading time to help early learners in their lives learn new words and their meanings.
Los primeros experimentos en la escritura de palabras a veces pueden conducir a errores ortográficos o incluso a cosas que no son letras en absoluto. Aprenda cómo esto es normal y parte del proceso de aprendizaje. Early experiments in writing words can sometimes lead to misspellings or even things that aren't letters at all. Learn about how this is normal and part of the learning process.
Learn how you can use reading time to help early learners in their lives learn new words and their meanings.
Writing new lyrics for familiar songs is a fun way to play with words and develop language skills in children. Rhythm and tone are also important when children speak.
The daily writing opportunities that the child has are important for their literacy development. Dramatic play and fantasy time are perfect opportunities to practice reading and writing skills.
في عالم ملئ بالتكنولوجيا يأتي كل شيء فيه بسرعة كبيرة، لماذا لا نستغل لفرصة لإبطاء الأمور؟ من إحدى طرق ذلك قضاء الوقت في تأليف الخطابات وكتابتها وإرسالها بالبريد إلى الأصدقاء والعائلة. In a technology-filled world where everything comes quickly, why not take the opportunity to slow things down? One way to do that is spending time composing, writing, and sending letters by mail to friends and family.
Following step-by-step written instructions is an excellent way to promote literacy in everyday activities. It connects the text with actions and also provides an opportunity for broader conversations with the child, including questions that aren't answered with a simple yes or no.
La biblioteca es un lugar importante para los niños que están aprendiendo a leer y a escribir. Dejar que exploren sus propios intereses en los libros los ayuda a fomentar una mente curiosa. The library is an important place for children who are learning to read and write. Allowing them to explore their own interests in books helps nurture a curious mind.
The library is an important place for children who are learning to read and write. Allowing them to explore their own interests in books helps nurture a curious mind.
In a world full of technology and where everything comes quickly, why not take the opportunity to slow down? Spending time composing, writing, and sending letters to friends and family is a way to do so.
إن اتباع التوجيهات التفصيلية المكتوبة يمثل طريقة رائعة لتعزيز التعلم في الأنشطة اليومية. يربط ذلك النص بالإجراءات ويوفر كذلك فرصة لمحادثات مطولة جيئة وذهابًا مع طفلك تتضمن أسئلة لا يتم الإجابة عليها بمجرد نعم أو لا. Following detailed written instructions is a great way to enhance learning in daily activities. This text connects with actions and also provides an opportunity for extended conversations with your child, including questions that are not answered with just a yes or no.
تعد الفرص اليومية المتاحة أمام طفلك للكتابة مهمة لتنمية مهارات تعلمه. تمثل المسرحيات الدرامية والأوقات المخصصة للتخيل فرصًا مثالية لممارسة مهارات التعلم. The available daily opportunities for your child to write are important for developing their learning skills. Dramatic plays and dedicated imaginative times represent ideal chances for practicing learning skills.
تمثل المكتبة موردًا رائعًا لتعريض الأطفال لمجموعة متنوعة من الكتب والنصوص بنوعيها المعلوماتي والرقمي، إلى جانب الأنواع المختلفة من النصوص الشبيهة بالأشعار. توفر هذه التشكيلة المتنوعة خيارات متعددة للأطفال للاختيار من بينها، وامتلاك هذه الخيارات مهم. The library serves as a wonderful resource to expose children to a variety of books and texts, both informational and digital, alongside different types of poetry-like texts. This diverse selection provides multiple options for children to choose from, and having these choices is important.
أثناء القراءة بصوت عالٍ للأطفال ، تأكد من ممارسة المفردات الجديدة. شرح معاني الكلمات والمصطلحات الجديدة باستخدام لغة صديقة للأطفال. كما أنه يزيد من ارتباط الأطفال بالكلمات والمصطلحات من خلال جعلهم ينطقون الكلمات بصوت عالٍ. While reading aloud to children, make sure to practice new vocabulary. Explain the meanings of new words and terms using child-friendly language. Additionally, this increases children's connection with words and terms by having them pronounce the words aloud.
من المفيد وجود شيء ملموس لبدء محادثة مع طفلك. عندما يقوم الأطفال بإنشاء هياكل باستخدام الكتل أو الأدوات المنزلية الشائعة ، فإن فرصة إجراء محادثة مع طفلك حول التفكير الذي دخل في تصميم وإنشاء الهيكل يأتي بشكل طبيعي. Having something tangible is useful to start a conversation with your child. When children construct structures using blocks or common household tools, the opportunity to have a conversation with your child about the thinking that went into designing and creating the structure comes naturally.
قد تؤدي التجارب المبكرة في كتابة الكلمات أحيانًا إلى أخطاء إملائية أو حتى أشياء ليست أحرفًا على الإطلاق. تعرف على كيف أن هذا أمر طبيعي وجزء من عملية التعلم. Early experiments in writing words can sometimes lead to misspellings or even things that aren't letters at all. Learn about how this is normal and part of the learning process.
تمثل كتابة كلمات جديدة على أغنيات مألوفة طريقة مرحة للعب بالكلمات وتطوير مهارات لغوية في الأطفال. يشكل كل من الإيقاع وطبقة الصوت أهمية عند تحدث الأطفال أيضًا. Writing new words to familiar songs is a playful way to engage with words and develop language skills in children. Both rhythm and voice layering are also important when children speak.
"تمثل المكتبة مكانًا مهمًا لممارسي القراءة والكتابة في المراحل التعليمية المبكرة. يساعد ترك الأطفال يستكشفون اهتماماتهم في الكتب على تنشئة عقول تواقة للمعرفة. "The library represents an important place for reading and writing practice in the early educational stages. Allowing children to explore their interests in books helps nurture knowledge-hungry minds.
Learn how you can help the early learns in your life build the skills and muscles needed to be great writers.
Arabic Language - Identifying letters and their sounds helps to build the understanding the letters make up words and words make up sentences. يساعد التعرف على الحروف وأصواتها في بناء فهم الحروف تشكل الكلمات والكلمات تشكل الجمل.
Jugar con los sonidos de las palabras puede ayudar a desarrollar la comprensión de las relaciones entre los sonidos de las letras y cómo las letras forman palabras. Playing with words sounds can help to build understanding of letter sound relationships and how letters build words.
Arabic Language - Playing with words sounds can help to build understanding of letter sound relationships and how letters build words. يمكن أن يساعد اللعب بأصوات الكلمات في بناء فهم للعلاقات الصوتية بين الحروف وكيفية بناء الكلمات للكلمات.
Playing with words sounds can help to build understanding of letter sound relationships and how letters build words.
Aprenda las cosas simples que puede hacer, como tener conversaciones con su bebé, que pueden ayudar a construir las bases para ser buenos aprendices. Learn the simple things you can do, like having conversations with your infant, that can help build the foundations to be good learners.
Arabic Language - Learn the simple things you can do, like having conversations with your infant, that can help build the foundations to be good learners. تعلم الأشياء البسيطة التي يمكنك القيام بها ، مثل إجراء محادثات مع طفلك الرضيع ، والتي يمكن أن تساعد في بناء الأسس لتكون متعلمًا جيدًا.
Learn the simple things you can do, like having conversations with your infant, that can help build the foundations to be good learners.
Identificar letras y sus sonidos ayuda a desarrollar la comprensión de que las letras forman palabras y las palabras forman oraciones. Identifying letters and their sounds helps to build the understanding the letters make up words and words make up sentences.
Arabic Language - Infants and toddlers learn best when their basic needs are taken care of and when they feel loved and safe. Learn some simple things you can do to set the stage for learning. يتعلم الرضع والأطفال الصغار بشكل أفضل عندما يتم الاهتمام باحتياجاتهم الأساسية وعندما يشعرون بالحب والأمان. تعلم بعض الأشياء البسيطة التي يمكنك القيام بها لتمهيد الطريق للتعلم.
Identifying letters and their sounds helps to build the understanding the letters make up words and words make up sentences.
Aprenda cómo puede ayudar a los estudiantes pequeños en su vida a desarrollar las habilidades y los músculos para ser grandes escritores. Learn how having a conversation with the little ones in your life helps to build skills for reading and writing.
Arabic Language - Learn how having a conversation with the little ones in your life helps to build skills for reading and writing. تعلم كيف أن إجراء محادثة مع الصغار في حياتك يساعد على بناء مهارات القراءة والكتابة.
Learn how having a conversation with the little ones in your life helps to build skills for reading and writing.
Arabic Language - Asking questions while reading can help build comprehension and expand the reading experience. يمكن أن يساعد طرح الأسئلة أثناء القراءة في بناء الفهم وتوسيع تجربة القراءة.
Hacer preguntas mientras se lee puede ayudar a desarrollar la comprensión y ampliar la experiencia de lectura. Asking questions while reading can help build comprehension and expand the reading experience.
Asking questions while reading can help build comprehension and expand the reading experience.
"Aprenda cómo puede usar las palabras en el mundo alrededor para ayudar a enseñar a los de aprendizaje temprano sobre palabras y letras, mientras también se les enseña sobre el mundo. Learn about how you can use the words in the world all around us to help teach early learners about words and letters, while also teaching them about the world.
Los bebés y los niños pequeños aprenden mejor cuando se atienden sus necesidades básicas y cuando se sienten amados y seguros. Aprenda algunas cosas simples que puede hacer para preparar el escenario para el aprendizaje. Infants and toddlers learn best when their basic needs are taken care of and when they feel loved and safe. Learn some simple things you can do to set the stage for learning.
Arabic Language - Learn how you can help the early learns in your life build the skills and muscles needed to be great writers. تعلم كيف يمكنك مساعدة المتعلمين في وقت مبكر من حياتك على بناء المهارات والعضلات اللازمة ليكونوا كتابا عظماء.
Aprenda cómo puede ayudar a los jóvenes estudiantes en su vida a desarrollar las habilidades y los músculos para ser grandes escritores. Learn how you can help the early learns in your life build the skills and muscles needed to be great writers.
Tips on using how using your child's name can help develop writing skills.
Usar el nombre de su hijo puede ayudar a desarrollar habilidades de escritura. Tips on using how using your child's name can help develop writing skills.
Arabic Language - Tips on using how using your child's name can help develop writing skills. نصائح حول كيفية استخدام اسم طفلك يمكن أن تساعد في تطوير مهارات الكتابة.
How can a walk around your neighborhood, grocery store, or even just in your imagination help build literacy skills? Find out in this segment of Ready to ROAR!
"¿Cómo puede un paseo por su vecindario, tienda de comida o simplemente en su imaginación ayudar a desarrollar habilidades de alfabetización? Descúbrelo en este segmento de Ready to ROAR! How can a walk around your neighborhood, grocery store, or even just in your imagination help build literacy skills? Find out in this segment of Ready to ROAR!
Arabic Language - How can a walk around your neighborhood, grocery store, or even just in your imagination help build literacy skills? Find out in this segment of Ready to ROAR! كيف يمكن للتجول في منطقتك أو محل بقالتك أو حتى مجرد مخيلتك أن يساعد في بناء مهارات معرفة القراءة والكتابة؟ اكتشف ذلك في هذا الجزء من Ready to ROAR!
Infants and toddlers learn best when their basic needs are taken care of and when they feel loved and safe. Learn some simple things you can do to set the stage for learning.
Arabic Language - Reading out loud is fundamental to early learning. Learn some helpful tips to get the most out of shared reading time. القراءة بصوت عالٍ أمر أساسي للتعلم المبكر. تعرف على بعض النصائح المفيدة لتحقيق أقصى استفادة من وقت القراءة المشترك.
Leer en voz alta es fundamental para el aprendizaje temprano. Conozca algunos consejos útiles para aprovechar al máximo el tiempo de lectura compartida. Reading out loud is fundamental to early learning. Learn some helpful tips to get the most out of shared reading time.
Reading out loud is fundamental to early learning. Learn some helpful tips to get the most out of shared reading time.
Arabic Language - Learn about how you can use the words in the world all around us to help teach early learners about words and letters, while also teaching them about the world. تعرف على كيفية استخدام الكلمات الموجودة في العالم من حولنا للمساعدة في تعليم المتعلمين الأوائل حول الكلمات والحروف ، مع تعليمهم أيضًا عن العالم.
Learn about how you can use the words in the world all around us to help teach early learners about words and letters, while also teaching them about the world.
Follow a recipe to make a healthy snack with a funny face, and read a story about gardening.
Learn all about the letter /a/ including its sounds, and how to write it. Then find the letter /a/ in a riddle about an agile animal.
Play with the sounds that start words and act like animals in the outdoors in this exciting episode.
Practice action, or movement, words as we read the story Over and Under the Pond.
Take a trip outdoors using our imaginations and write about your adventure with some help from Mr. Colón.
Practice writing the first letter of your name in a sandbox, talk about other things that you can do in a sandbox, and strengthen our core muscles with a fun Brain Break.