Earthquakes, Eruptions and Making Words
Complete an experiment and a writing activity about earthquakes.
Complete an experiment and a writing activity about earthquakes.
Learn about prefixes under- and after-, read about salmon, and start a narrative writing.
Learn about the letter S and organize information about storms.
Practice new words and learn how to edit and revise a story.
Practice words that include -ngth-, then read and write about volcanoes.
Learn about the under- and after- prefixes and continue our narrative writing.
Practice words with the -thr- word part and read a book about earthquakes.
Learn about the -ous and -en suffixes and examine an exemplar for narrative writing.
Count birds to tell if Dotson made a Mystery Math Mistake when representing the number [...]
Represent 8 using a number bond and 10-frame to help solve a Mystery Math Mistake. [...]