Words Spelled with -ir, -er, -ur, and -ear
Learn about different ways to spell the sound /er/ and answer the big questions: What are the parts of a map and how can a map help me describe where I live?
Learn about different ways to spell the sound /er/ and answer the big questions: What are the parts of a map and how can a map help me describe where I live?
What is special about Michigan? Learn about the re- and un- prefixes, read a hybrid text about a Michigan turtle, and work on some informational writing.
Learn all about the letter I, play with sounds, learn a new high-frequency word, and read a story.
Build words, write a sound poem and learn more about schools of the past and today.
Draw a map of your neighborhood, then read and match homophones with the /air/ sound.
Learn more about the prefixes re- and un-, and work on some informational writing.
Learn all about the letter L, review the alphabet, learn two new high-frequency words, read a book about families and write a sentence.
Practice the -th- sound and learn about names.
Learn about your town and about the /ear/ sound.
Help answer the big question: what makes you a Michigan kid? Learn about the -ful and -less suffixes and practice narrative, writing.