All About the Alphabet and the Letter A
Learn all about the letter A, have fun with sounds, learn one new high-frequency word, and sing a song.
Learn all about the letter A, have fun with sounds, learn one new high-frequency word, and sing a song.
Read a book that compares what schools looked like in the past and what schools look like now, then sort sounds in words as we learn the -sh- sound.
Answer the big questions: What are the parts of a map and how can a map help me describe where I live? Then, work with words that have the -ar- spelling.
Help answer the question: What is special about Michigan? Then work on compound words and read some facts about Michigan, and RACE to write an informational text.
Learn all about the letter T, play with sounds, learn two new high-frequency words, and learn a silly song about our names.
What did schools look like in the past, and what do schools look like now? Plus, try a word ladder to practice -sh- sounds at the beginning and end of words.
Make your own book about where you live and learn about different ways to spell the sound /or/.
Learn about compound words, read about Michigan, and write an informational text.
Learn all about the letter H, play with sounds, learn two new high-frequency words, and read part of a story.
Learn the diagraph sound -ch- and some new high frequency words with diagraphs -ch- and -sh-.