So Much More than Scribbles – Arabic

Arabic Language - Learn how you can help the early learns in your life build the skills and muscles needed to be great writers. تعلم كيف يمكنك مساعدة المتعلمين في وقت مبكر من حياتك على بناء المهارات والعضلات اللازمة ليكونوا كتابا عظماء.

So Much More than Scribbles – Arabic2024-07-04T16:31:18+00:00

Literacy in Your Family Life and Culture and Back-and-forth Conversations – Arabic

Arabic Language - Learn the simple things you can do, like having conversations with your infant, that can help build the foundations to be good learners. تعلم الأشياء البسيطة التي يمكنك القيام بها ، مثل إجراء محادثات مع طفلك الرضيع ، والتي يمكن أن تساعد في بناء الأسس لتكون متعلمًا جيدًا.

Literacy in Your Family Life and Culture and Back-and-forth Conversations – Arabic2024-07-04T16:31:09+00:00

Literacy in Your Family Life and Culture and Back-and-forth Conversations – Spanish

Aprenda las cosas simples que puede hacer, como tener conversaciones con su bebé, que pueden ayudar a construir las bases para ser buenos aprendices. Learn the simple things you can do, like having conversations with your infant, that can help build the foundations to be good learners.

Literacy in Your Family Life and Culture and Back-and-forth Conversations – Spanish2024-07-04T16:31:10+00:00


Benedict gets a hard lesson in honesty as he tries to cut corners with his summer business plans and ends up hurting his friends. He has Peggy running part of his business, but she gets annoyed with his dishonesty and ends up leaving.

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