من المفيد وجود شيء ملموس لبدء محادثة مع طفلك. عندما يقوم الأطفال بإنشاء هياكل باستخدام الكتل أو الأدوات المنزلية الشائعة ، فإن فرصة إجراء محادثة مع طفلك حول التفكير الذي دخل في تصميم وإنشاء الهيكل يأتي بشكل طبيعي. Having something tangible is useful to start a conversation with your child. When children construct structures using blocks or common household tools, the opportunity to have a conversation with your child about the thinking that went into designing and creating the structure comes naturally.
قد تؤدي التجارب المبكرة في كتابة الكلمات أحيانًا إلى أخطاء إملائية أو حتى أشياء ليست أحرفًا على الإطلاق. تعرف على كيف أن هذا أمر طبيعي وجزء من عملية التعلم. Early experiments in writing words can sometimes lead to misspellings or even things that aren't letters at all. Learn about how this is normal and part of the learning process.
تمثل كتابة كلمات جديدة على أغنيات مألوفة طريقة مرحة للعب بالكلمات وتطوير مهارات لغوية في الأطفال. يشكل كل من الإيقاع وطبقة الصوت أهمية عند تحدث الأطفال أيضًا. Writing new words to familiar songs is a playful way to engage with words and develop language skills in children. Both rhythm and voice layering are also important when children speak.
"تمثل المكتبة مكانًا مهمًا لممارسي القراءة والكتابة في المراحل التعليمية المبكرة. يساعد ترك الأطفال يستكشفون اهتماماتهم في الكتب على تنشئة عقول تواقة للمعرفة. "The library represents an important place for reading and writing practice in the early educational stages. Allowing children to explore their interests in books helps nurture knowledge-hungry minds.
في عالم ملئ بالتكنولوجيا يأتي كل شيء فيه بسرعة كبيرة، لماذا لا نستغل لفرصة لإبطاء الأمور؟ من إحدى طرق ذلك قضاء الوقت في تأليف الخطابات وكتابتها وإرسالها بالبريد إلى الأصدقاء والعائلة. In a technology-filled world where everything comes quickly, why not take the opportunity to slow things down? One way to do that is spending time composing, writing, and sending letters by mail to friends and family.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice gratitude throughout the day or at bedtime with this easy exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice gratitude throughout the day or at bedtime with this easy exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice gratitude throughout the day or at bedtime with this easy exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice gratitude throughout the day or at bedtime with this easy exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice gratitude throughout the day or at bedtime with this easy exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Lesson 2307
Explore the phenomenon of corrosion as students learn about sunken ships in the Great Lakes and the glass-bottomed tour boats that take people to explore them.
Lesson 2306
Gain insights into the reality of food waste, research efforts in their local communities to combat it, and conduct an experiment to investigate the impact of food storage methods on food waste.
Lesson 201
What are the people who help us stores and restaurants called? Service workers! Learn all about these community helpers as we prepare a menu and start our own pizzeria!
Lesson 202
Learn all about Food and Farm Workers, who are very important Community Helpers. Then, try farming for yourself by learning how to plant your own food!
Lesson 203
Where can you go to find books, movies, music, and so much more? The library! Libraries are the home for books in our communities and they are run by librarians. Learn all about how librarians do their work, and then help us write a song all about them!
Lesson 205
Learn about the people who make the buildings in our workers. Learn about the tools they use and even practice building on your own!
Lesson 206
How do packages and letters make it to our homes? They are delivered by community helpers called mail carriers. Learn how to write your own letters to a friend.
Lesson 2305
Explore the phenomenon of shipbreaking, including how the technique of breaking down freighters allows us to recycle the materials and parts of the ship for other uses.
Design or create graphics to meet specific commercial or promotional needs, such as packaging, displays, or logos. May use a variety of mediums to achieve artistic or decorative effects.
Create special effects or animations using film, video, computers, or other electronic tools and media for use in products, such as computer games, movies, music videos, and commercials.
Develop and design manufactured products, such as cars, home appliances, and children's toys. Combine artistic talent with research on product use, marketing, and materials to create the most functional and appealing product design.
Lesson 12
Take a virtual tour through the Interior Design Program space and how it's used by students in the Human Ecology Building at Michigan State University.
Lesson 11
Learn what it takes to make it as a Wind Power Technician.
Lesson 10
Discover the top 50 "Hot Jobs" in Michigan and learn how you can set on your path to a great career.
Lesson 9
Learn what it is like to run your own business with Wired Off-Road. What are the skills needed to branch out on your own?
How do connected vehicles talk to each other anyways? Elise Feldpausch, MDOT connected vehicle specialist, takes you on an adventure discussing the safety benefits of CAV and why MDOT is involved in the CAV game in the first place.
Lesson 13
Kayden goes On the Job with the Eastern Michigan University School of Nursing to learn about careers in this demanding and in-demand field.
How devices on Michigan roadways are helping you get to your destination safer and more efficiently.
Plan, direct, or coordinate purchasing, warehousing, distribution, forecasting, customer service, or planning services. Manage logistics personnel and logistics systems and direct daily operations.
من المفيد وجود شيء ملموس لبدء محادثة مع طفلك. عندما يقوم الأطفال بإنشاء هياكل باستخدام الكتل أو الأدوات المنزلية الشائعة ، فإن فرصة إجراء محادثة مع طفلك حول التفكير الذي دخل في تصميم وإنشاء الهيكل يأتي بشكل طبيعي. Having something tangible is useful to start a conversation with your child. When children construct structures using blocks or common household tools, the opportunity to have a conversation with your child about the thinking that went into designing and creating the structure comes naturally.
قد تؤدي التجارب المبكرة في كتابة الكلمات أحيانًا إلى أخطاء إملائية أو حتى أشياء ليست أحرفًا على الإطلاق. تعرف على كيف أن هذا أمر طبيعي وجزء من عملية التعلم. Early experiments in writing words can sometimes lead to misspellings or even things that aren't letters at all. Learn about how this is normal and part of the learning process.
تمثل كتابة كلمات جديدة على أغنيات مألوفة طريقة مرحة للعب بالكلمات وتطوير مهارات لغوية في الأطفال. يشكل كل من الإيقاع وطبقة الصوت أهمية عند تحدث الأطفال أيضًا. Writing new words to familiar songs is a playful way to engage with words and develop language skills in children. Both rhythm and voice layering are also important when children speak.
"تمثل المكتبة مكانًا مهمًا لممارسي القراءة والكتابة في المراحل التعليمية المبكرة. يساعد ترك الأطفال يستكشفون اهتماماتهم في الكتب على تنشئة عقول تواقة للمعرفة. "The library represents an important place for reading and writing practice in the early educational stages. Allowing children to explore their interests in books helps nurture knowledge-hungry minds.
في عالم ملئ بالتكنولوجيا يأتي كل شيء فيه بسرعة كبيرة، لماذا لا نستغل لفرصة لإبطاء الأمور؟ من إحدى طرق ذلك قضاء الوقت في تأليف الخطابات وكتابتها وإرسالها بالبريد إلى الأصدقاء والعائلة. In a technology-filled world where everything comes quickly, why not take the opportunity to slow things down? One way to do that is spending time composing, writing, and sending letters by mail to friends and family.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice gratitude throughout the day or at bedtime with this easy exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice gratitude throughout the day or at bedtime with this easy exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice gratitude throughout the day or at bedtime with this easy exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice gratitude throughout the day or at bedtime with this easy exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice gratitude throughout the day or at bedtime with this easy exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Practice a calming breathing exercise with Ms. Amy.
Practice a POP Check activity to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.
Lesson 2307
Explore the phenomenon of corrosion as students learn about sunken ships in the Great Lakes and the glass-bottomed tour boats that take people to explore them.
Lesson 2306
Gain insights into the reality of food waste, research efforts in their local communities to combat it, and conduct an experiment to investigate the impact of food storage methods on food waste.
Lesson 201
What are the people who help us stores and restaurants called? Service workers! Learn all about these community helpers as we prepare a menu and start our own pizzeria!
Lesson 202
Learn all about Food and Farm Workers, who are very important Community Helpers. Then, try farming for yourself by learning how to plant your own food!
Lesson 203
Where can you go to find books, movies, music, and so much more? The library! Libraries are the home for books in our communities and they are run by librarians. Learn all about how librarians do their work, and then help us write a song all about them!
Lesson 205
Learn about the people who make the buildings in our workers. Learn about the tools they use and even practice building on your own!
Lesson 206
How do packages and letters make it to our homes? They are delivered by community helpers called mail carriers. Learn how to write your own letters to a friend.
Lesson 2305
Explore the phenomenon of shipbreaking, including how the technique of breaking down freighters allows us to recycle the materials and parts of the ship for other uses.
Design or create graphics to meet specific commercial or promotional needs, such as packaging, displays, or logos. May use a variety of mediums to achieve artistic or decorative effects.
Create special effects or animations using film, video, computers, or other electronic tools and media for use in products, such as computer games, movies, music videos, and commercials.
Develop and design manufactured products, such as cars, home appliances, and children's toys. Combine artistic talent with research on product use, marketing, and materials to create the most functional and appealing product design.
Lesson 12
Take a virtual tour through the Interior Design Program space and how it's used by students in the Human Ecology Building at Michigan State University.
Lesson 11
Learn what it takes to make it as a Wind Power Technician.
Lesson 10
Discover the top 50 "Hot Jobs" in Michigan and learn how you can set on your path to a great career.
Lesson 9
Learn what it is like to run your own business with Wired Off-Road. What are the skills needed to branch out on your own?
How do connected vehicles talk to each other anyways? Elise Feldpausch, MDOT connected vehicle specialist, takes you on an adventure discussing the safety benefits of CAV and why MDOT is involved in the CAV game in the first place.
Lesson 13
Kayden goes On the Job with the Eastern Michigan University School of Nursing to learn about careers in this demanding and in-demand field.
How devices on Michigan roadways are helping you get to your destination safer and more efficiently.
Plan, direct, or coordinate purchasing, warehousing, distribution, forecasting, customer service, or planning services. Manage logistics personnel and logistics systems and direct daily operations.