Arabic Language – Tips on using how using your child’s name can help develop writing skills.

نصائح حول كيفية استخدام اسم طفلك يمكن أن تساعد في تطوير مهارات الكتابة.

Related Lessons

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    Wimee and friends sing a rhyming song about a great big bear; Wimee writes a story about a chipmunk's forest adventure and Nia creates a Wimage for it; Ms. Stephanie teaches us how to say our key story words in ASL; Wimee's friend Rose Johnson tells us a Native American story from Michigan about a bear and his tail

  • Lesson 122

    Moby tells us about kindness chemicals in our brain; Wimee and friends write a story. about a leaf-filled popcorn container; Brody makes a cool Wimage for the story

  • Lesson 123

    Wimee makes a peanut puppet friend and Moby becomes a puppeteer; Wimee and his peanut get scared by a ghost in their story, and Michael makes a Wimage of it; the key words from the story are translated by Ms. Sara into Spanish; Wimee's friend Matt McGee shows us how to make a robot puppet out of recycled materials.