Curiosity Guides
Sudsy science, homemade soap, and repulsive pepper! The Curious Crew learns all about the science of soap with a lesson on saponification and surfactants. STEM Challenge: Making Homemade Soap. Curious About Careers: Water Chemist Daveda Quinn
Lesson 407
3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Echo location, tympanic membranes, radio teeth and more! The Curious Crew learns how our ears are designed to capture incoming [...]
Lesson 408
Sliding chocolate, curious cocoa, sweet textures and more! The Curious Crew learns how modern day chocolate chemistry has become one [...]
Lesson 409
Human conductivity, electrical resistance, series & parallel circuits and more! The Curious Crew learns how all circuits have three things: [...]