
Spice up your writing with similes and metaphors! In this video, we’ll explore how figurative language like “raining cats and dogs” or “Kalamazoo is a treasure map” makes writing more colorful and fun. Join Ms. Meg for an interactive lesson and game that will take your writing to the next level!

Symphony Soundscape | Make Music with Ms. Audra | Read, Write, ROAR!
Woman in jacket and winter hat sitting t a desk in a classroomWhat's Up With the Weather? - Michigan's Climate

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  • أثناء القراءة بصوت عالٍ للأطفال ، تأكد من ممارسة المفردات الجديدة. شرح معاني الكلمات والمصطلحات الجديدة باستخدام لغة صديقة للأطفال. كما أنه يزيد من ارتباط الأطفال بالكلمات والمصطلحات من خلال جعلهم ينطقون الكلمات بصوت عالٍ. While reading aloud to children, make sure to practice new vocabulary. Explain the meanings of new words and terms using child-friendly language. Additionally, this increases children's connection with words and terms by having them pronounce the words aloud.