Infants and toddlers learn best when their basic needs are taken care of and when they feel loved and safe. Learn some simple things you can do to set the stage for learning.

Related Lessons

  • "Seguir instrucciones paso a paso escritas es una excelente manera de fomentar la lectoescritura en las actividades cotidianas. Conecta el texto con acciones y además ofrece una oportunidad de mantener conversaciones más amplias con el niño que incluyan preguntas que no se responden con un simple sí o no." "Following step-by-step written instructions is an excellent way to promote literacy in everyday activities. It connects the text with actions and also provides an opportunity for broader conversations with the child, including questions that aren't answered with a simple yes or no."

  • Early experiments in writing words can sometimes lead to misspellings or even things that aren't letters at all. Learn about how this is normal and part of the learning process.

  • En un mundo lleno de tecnología y donde todo llega con gran rapidez, ¿por qué no aprovechar una oportunidad de ir más despacio? Dedicar tiempo a redactar, escribir y enviar cartas a los amigos y la familia es una forma de hacerlo. In a world full of technology and where everything comes quickly, why not take the opportunity to slow down? Spending time composing, writing, and sending letters to friends and family is a way to do so.