Curiosity Guides
Echo location, tympanic membranes, radio teeth and more! The Curious Crew learns how our ears are designed to capture incoming sounds. STEM Challenge: Designing a pair of ‘Ear Defenders.’ Curious About Careers: Audiologist Dr. Brooke Tudor.
Lesson 603
3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Get Moving with Muscular Electricity! The Curious Crew “exercises” their minds when it comes to understanding the complexity of the [...]
Lesson 604
“Watts” up, Dr. Rob? The Curious Crew “brightens up” on the science behind lights!
Lesson 605
Disappearing Ink and soapy pH! The Curious Crew “mixes” it up with Dr. Rob when they investigate acids and bases!