Curiosity Guides
Echo location, tympanic membranes, radio teeth and more! The Curious Crew learns how our ears are designed to capture incoming sounds. STEM Challenge: Designing a pair of ‘Ear Defenders.’ Curious About Careers: Audiologist Dr. Brooke Tudor.
Lesson 404
3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Uncontrollable hands, knee-jerk reflex, reaction times and more! The Curious Crew explores how our body’s system of nerves help us [...]
Lesson 405
Lay-up angles, curvy bounce passes, delightful dribbling and more! The Curious Crew learns how simple scientific principals improve the game [...]
Lesson 406
Candle see-saws, balanced meter sticks, ‘getting a grip’ and more! The Curious Crew explores how the force of torque helps [...]