Activity Guide
Learn all about the letter Q and answer the big question: What are the qualities of a good leader? Practice building words and reading a book about being a leader.
Related Standards: MI.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.1, MI.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.2, MI.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.3, MI.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.4, MI.ELA-Literacy.RI.K.1
Lesson 4
4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade
Join Guest Reader Casey Cowell for the book 21 Elephants and Still Standing
4th Grade, 5th Grade
In today's episode, Lauren and Eric show us how to use similes to Show Not Tell.
Lesson 5
1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade
Join Guest Reader: Ron Jolly for the book Aliens Are Coming!: The True Account Of The 1938 War Of The [...]