Read, Write, ROAR Series Website
Arabic Language – Playing with words sounds can help to build understanding of letter sound relationships and how letters build words.
يمكن أن يساعد اللعب بأصوات الكلمات في بناء فهم للعلاقات الصوتية بين الحروف وكيفية بناء الكلمات للكلمات.
Lesson 101
Learn all about the letter A, have fun with sounds, learn one new high-frequency word, and sing a song.
1st Grade
Read a book that compares what schools looked like in the past and what schools look like now, then sort sounds in words as we learn the -sh- sound.
2nd Grade
Answer the big questions: What are the parts of a map and how can a map help me describe where I live? Then, work with words that have the -ar- spelling.