Read, Write, ROAR Series Website
Arabic Language – Playing with words sounds can help to build understanding of letter sound relationships and how letters build words.
يمكن أن يساعد اللعب بأصوات الكلمات في بناء فهم للعلاقات الصوتية بين الحروف وكيفية بناء الكلمات للكلمات.
Lesson 01
4th Grade, 5th Grade
In today's episode, Lauren and Eric show us how Show Not Tell applies to character traits.
Lesson 2
4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade
Join Guest Reader Kimmee Wenkel for the book Hedy Lamarr’s Double Life: Hollywood Legend and Brilliant Inventor
In today's episode, Lauren and Eric show us how Show Not Tell applies to emotions.