
Wimee shares a book about Michigan and a dream about Spaghetti Pickle Pie; Moby teaches us about pickling; Language Explorers translate pickle into six languages; and ScribbleJim sings a song about the imaginary grocery store with help from Wimee and friends.

Related Lessons

  • Arabic Language - Asking questions while reading can help build comprehension and expand the reading experience. يمكن أن يساعد طرح الأسئلة أثناء القراءة في بناء الفهم وتوسيع تجربة القراءة.

  • Learn how having a conversation with the little ones in your life helps to build skills for reading and writing.

  • Arabic Language - Learn how having a conversation with the little ones in your life helps to build skills for reading and writing. تعلم كيف أن إجراء محادثة مع الصغار في حياتك يساعد على بناء مهارات القراءة والكتابة.