Trebuchet trials, magic paper, lift your parent? Explore the concept of levers, how they work, and how they’re used. STEM Challenge: build a “Paint Paddle Catapult” to demonstrate the concept and function of this type of lever. Episode 202.
They may start small, but due to restoration, they become very, very big. Great Lakes Now visits the Toldeo Zoo to see Lake Sturgeon. Lake Sturgeon in the Maumee River in Toledo, OH are one of the biggest fish in the Great Lakes Region, and grow up to 8 feet long.
Algae is so important to our region, but when algae grows extremely fast it's called a bloom. Most of the time they are harmless, but sometimes they can make the water undrinkable, and when thirty-five million people get their drinking water from the Great Lakes Region, that's a problem.