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Learn about how you can use the words in the world all around us to help teach early learners about words and letters, while also teaching them about the world.
في عالم ملئ بالتكنولوجيا يأتي كل شيء فيه بسرعة كبيرة، لماذا لا نستغل لفرصة لإبطاء الأمور؟ من إحدى طرق ذلك قضاء الوقت في تأليف الخطابات وكتابتها وإرسالها بالبريد إلى الأصدقاء والعائلة. In a technology-filled world where everything comes quickly, why not take the opportunity to slow things down? One way to do that is spending time composing, writing, and sending letters by mail to friends and family.
Why don't hens and hawks get along? Join David, educator and storyteller, as he tells the tale of the hawk and the hen through visual storytelling. 3:36 What gives hyenas their unusual walking style? Join David, educator and storyteller, as he tells the tale of "The Hyena and the Crow"