Architects Brian and Jess team up with kids to find the “heart of the city,” the center that cities grow around. Visit the streets of old Detroit to learn how cities change over time, and use maps and landmarks to find the heart of your city.
Solve comparison word problems using data we get from questions like, Which meal is your favorite, breakfast, lunch or dinner? Play a game to use data to determine if a statement is true or false. Engage in a Number Talk to find "how many" and to answer a secret question.
Decompose numbers to subtract. Engage in a Number Talk focused on subtraction strategies. Can you solve the problem without pencil and paper? Play a fun subtraction game called "Less than 10".
Explore area with square inches and centimeters. How can we use square inch tiles and centimeter cubes to compare the area of squares and rectangles? You'll also engage in a Number Talk focused on subtraction strategies.