
Dr. Rebecca Hasson of InPACT at Home joins Tara Hardy to discuss the importance of moving our bodies! Plus, we learn how to eat like an olympic athlete, explore how doctors use 4-D technology to treat heart disease, kickbox with our friend Michelle, say yes to our “WGs” and much more.

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  • Hacer preguntas mientras se lee puede ayudar a desarrollar la comprensión y ampliar la experiencia de lectura. Asking questions while reading can help build comprehension and expand the reading experience.

  • Arabic Language - Asking questions while reading can help build comprehension and expand the reading experience. يمكن أن يساعد طرح الأسئلة أثناء القراءة في بناء الفهم وتوسيع تجربة القراءة.

  • Learn how having a conversation with the little ones in your life helps to build skills for reading and writing.