Curiosity Guides
Guitar science ROCKS! Dr. Rob and the Crew perform some very “inSTRUMental” investigations in a guitar STEM jam session! STEM Challenge: Homemade Guitars Curious About Careers: Curious About Careers Host, Janellyn
Lesson 707
3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
Sinking marshmallows and squooshy balloons! The curiosity flows as the Crew learns all about fluid power. STEM Challenge: Making a [...]
Lesson 708
Curious contraptions full of gears! From water wheels to wind turbines, the Curious Crew is all geared up to investigate [...]
Lesson 709
Staticized balloons and Van de Graff fun! A “shocking” lesson on static electricity with the Curious Crew. STEM Challenge: Electroscope [...]