
Use area models to represent fractions. Explore fractions as parts of a set. Use fractions as parts of a set to introduce the concept of equivalent fractions

Related Standards: MI.Math.Content.3.NF.A.3b

Comparing and Ordering Fractions
Equivalent Fractions

Related Lessons

  • Lesson 103

    Build, read, write (in standard and expanded form), and represent three-digit numbers using base-10 blocks and symbols. Describe the value of a digit, including 0, based on its place in the number.

  • Lesson 104

    Compare two or more three-digit numbers based on meanings of the hundreds, tens, and ones digits, using >, =, and < symbols. Build, read, write (in standard and expanded form), and represent three-digit numbers using base-10 blocks and symbols.

  • Lesson 105

    Build, read, write (in standard and expanded form), and represent four-digit numbers using base-10 blocks and symbols. Compare numbers based on meanings of the thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones digits using symbols.