Curiosity Guides
“Watts” up, Dr. Rob? The Curious Crew “brightens up” on the science behind lights!
Lesson 509
3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade
The Curious Crew gets wired about electromagnetism! Suspended bowling balls, homemade speakers, and compasses all help explain electromagnetism. STEM Challenge: [...]
Lesson 510
Smelly particles, wilted veggies, and growing jellies! The Curious Crew explores diffusion and osmosis using tea bags, scented balloons, and [...]
Lesson 601
Bouncy Balls and Bumper Cars! The Curious Crew explores elastic and inelastic collisions! STEM Challenge: Designing Better Bumper Cars. Curious About Careers: Meteorologist Emily Wahls.