Do you love tasty treats? So do we! Mrs. Mora helps us to understand how to use vowels to break words into parts and how to read and understand multisyllabic words all while learning about food related terms.
Wimee writes a story about taking an unusual bath; Moby tells us about how soap works; Miss Jessica introduces us to a very catchy tune to wash our hands to; Abigail joins the show to tell us about her enjoyment of baking; and the team plays games and dances to Miss Jessica's song as a farewell!
Wimee and friends sing about their favorite kind of pie; Wimee writes a story about his “thinking fork;” Ms. Sara teaches us different Spanish words for “pie;” Dr. Paige shows us how to make a magic pie crust; and Wimee dreams about making spaghetti pickle pie for a friend who was sad!
Wimee and friends sing a song about milk; Story tells us about dairy foods; some friends show us what type of milk they use at home; in Check Out This Book, Ms. Joyanne shares a recycling journey story about a milk and juice container that are friends; and Jim plays his Chocolate Milk song!