Do you love tasty treats? So do we! Mrs. Mora helps us to understand how to use vowels to break words into parts and how to read and understand multisyllabic words all while learning about food related terms.

Related Lessons

  • A close-ip illustration of a leafy plant. The Wimee's Words logo, the title "Plants," and a graphic of a potted plant are on the image.

    Lesson 216

    Wimee and friends write a story about cotton candy rain; Language Explorers translate the word “plant” into six languages; Jim writes a song about flowers; Wimee and team play a Number Crunching game; and the Flower family shares their beautiful Rainbow of Colors video with us!

  • A photo of a tree looking thrpught the branches. The Wimee's Words logo, a graphic of a monkey, and the title "Monkey" are over the image.

    Lesson 217

    Wimee and friends sing a silly song about marching monkeys; they write a story about a rotten mango; Jim sings a monkey song about opposites; Joyanne from Kent District Library shares a book about an old monkey; and Wimee and team play a rhyming game and do a scavenger hunt!

  • An out of focus photo og a spread of letters. The Wimee's Words logo, the title "Mail," and a graphic of a mailbox are over the image.

    Lesson 218

    Wimee and friends sing about what they can get in the mail; in JimTime, Wimee and friends sing about things that WON’T fit in an envelope; Ms. Lisa from Kent District Library shares a book about a lost package; and Brody shares the video he produced of a mom receiving something special in the mail!