Explore comparing fractions with like numerators or like denominators to tell which is larger or smaller using benchmark fractions and visual representations like number lines.
Explore comparing fractions with like numerators or like denominators.
Warm up with a Mystery Math Mistake to find the mistake made in counting up on a number line to subtract. Notice and wonder to compare a bar graph and a line plot. Measure your own hand span. Create and use a line plot of hand span data to answer questions.
Warm up with a Mystery Math Mistake to hunt for the mistake made counting up on the number line. Use place value cards to practice rounding numbers to the nearest ten and hundred.
Explore the Multiply by 9 facts by recognizing there is only one new fact: 9 x 9. Compete against characters to see who finds the product first. Play games and use your fingers to practice multiplying. Use multiplication facts you already know to help find the product when one factor is 9.