Explore comparing fractions with like numerators or like denominators to tell which is larger or smaller using benchmark fractions and visual representations like number lines.
Explore comparing fractions with like numerators or like denominators.
Warm up with a Mystery Math Mistake to build "one more." Hunt for different shapes within a picture. Describe and use attributes of shapes to tell if two shapes are the same. Match everyday objects with their shape.
Warm up with a Mystery Math Mistake to decompose teen numbers. Use a double 10-frame to represent adding three single-digit numbers. Play a game with 10-frame cards to add numbers. The one with the greatest number wins!
Warm up with a Mystery Math Mistake to add 2 two-digit numbers. Measure the length of objects and sides of shapes in inches. Notice and Wonder to compare centimeters and inches. Find objects that are about 1 inch long.