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من المفيد وجود شيء ملموس لبدء محادثة مع طفلك. عندما يقوم الأطفال بإنشاء هياكل باستخدام الكتل أو الأدوات المنزلية الشائعة ، فإن فرصة إجراء محادثة مع طفلك حول التفكير الذي دخل في تصميم وإنشاء الهيكل يأتي بشكل طبيعي. Having something tangible is useful to start a conversation with your child. When children construct structures using blocks or common household tools, the opportunity to have a conversation with your child about the thinking that went into designing and creating the structure comes naturally.
Why don't hens and hawks get along? Join David, educator and storyteller, as he tells the tale of the hawk and the hen through visual storytelling. 3:36 What gives hyenas their unusual walking style? Join David, educator and storyteller, as he tells the tale of "The Hyena and the Crow"
In this detective-themed video, Ms. Meg helps you crack the mystery of idioms!