Bahb is out on an exciting escapade with Mister Boots! Where will their curiosity take them this time? Back at home, our cozy corner features Ray the Radio, who leads us in an awesome airplane-themed yoga routine.
Bahb and Siesta have guests coming over! Let's get everything ready for some play date fun! In DreamWorld, Luna and Sola have a disagreement about who should do what. Then, jam it out to The Kindness Song with Mister Boots and a new animal kingdom friend!
Peggy returns home to help work things out with her parents. But, Benedict has his own issues to resolve - he refuses to play on a baseball team with girls and a girl coach! He learns an important lesson in acceptance and realizes how wrong he was.
Meet Granny, who takes us down memory lane to the tender days of yonder. In DreamWorld, Bahb and Siesta travel to Bland Land for a lesson on standing out.