

  • Make a duck mask necklace and quack along as we count and solve basic math equations.

  • Learn how children can sort, collect, and group objects they see in the real-world A simple chore, like laundry, can be an opportunity to discuss math with your kids.

  • Discover how children learn to count and how you, as a family member or caregiver of a young learner, can help encourage their development. Then explore ways you can bring number sense into the home by recognizing opportunities to talk about math in everyday life, including while clearing the breakfast table.

  • Learn the patterns and rules used to help predict outcomes. Then, while preparing lunch, find patterns and predict what will come next.

  • Look at the world and identify shapes, while discussing the attributes that define them. Then continue the conversation at home while putting groceries away.

  • Kids must develop a spatial sense to communicate with others about the world around them. To do so, it’s important that families use vocabulary related to position and location as often as possible around young learners.

  • In this step-by-step activity video, we create magical bead wands while learning to sort and collect with your child. This video is included as part of PBS SoCal’s Family Math initiative, which provides math tools and support for families of young learners.

  • In this step-by-step activity video, which requires little other than some newspaper and tape, we learn about the vocabulary of location and position (over, under, in front of and behind). Practicing these skills helps your children develop a spatial sense of objects in relation to other objects in a 3D space.

  • In this step-by-step activity video, we create a fun Bingo-style board game while helping your child develop number and counting skills. This video is included as part of PBS SoCal’s Family Math initiative, which provides math tools and support for families of young learners.

  • In this step-by-step activity video, we hunt through magazines and newspapers for shapes while talking to our children about shape names and attributes. We then create colorful collages to share with the family. This video is included as part of PBS SoCal’s Family Math initiative, which provides math tools and support for families of young learners.

  • In this step-by-step activity video, we learn to identify and create patterns before creating a simple loom from popsicle sticks and twine. The loom can be used to create endless patterns for hours of math related fun. This video is included as part of PBS SoCal’s Family Math initiative, which provides math tools and support for families of young learners.

  • Lesson 201

    Wimee and friends write a story about a chair; Ms. Stephanie signs “chair” in ASL; ScribbleJim, Sparky, Laina and Baby Bumblebee play musical chairs; Ms. Sharon from Ventura County Library shares a book about chairs; and Cailynn interviews Wimee’s Neighbor, orthopedic surgeon Dr. Hamilton.

  • Simple gift series logo

    Preschoolers will make music with Marty the Music Man, find something new in Miss Linette’s Curiosity Corner, and read with Betty the Bookworm.

  • Lesson 125

    Wimee and friends sing a song about what babies do; Moby tells us about baby animals; Wimee and friends write [...]

  • Lesson 124

    Wimee and friends write a song about peanut butter sandwiches; Moby shares some facts; Wimee and a friend meet some [...]

  • A forest creature ate all of Chris and Martin's jerky! We're asking our youngest math detectives to solve math puzzles [...]

  • Cookie Monster needs your help finding out who took his cookies! We're asking our youngest math detectives to solve math [...]

  • In this activity, children will create a nighttime city and skip count the windows by 2 using a flashlight. For [...]

  • How many shapes can your child think of? Ask them to draw one shape per a piece of colored paper [...]

  • Create a balance scale to compare weights of household objects. Ask your little one which object they think will be [...]

  • Lesson 123

    Wimee makes a peanut puppet friend and Moby becomes a puppeteer; Wimee and his peanut get scared by a ghost in their story, and Michael makes a Wimage of it; the key words from the story are translated by Ms. Sara into Spanish; Wimee's friend Matt McGee shows us how to make a robot puppet out of recycled materials.

  • Lesson 122

    Moby tells us about kindness chemicals in our brain; Wimee and friends write a story. about a leaf-filled popcorn container; Brody makes a cool Wimage for the story

  • Lesson 121

    Wimee and friends sing a rhyming song about a great big bear; Wimee writes a story about a chipmunk's forest adventure and Nia creates a Wimage for it; Ms. Stephanie teaches us how to say our key story words in ASL; Wimee's friend Rose Johnson tells us a Native American story from Michigan about a bear and his tail

  • Lesson 120

    Wimee and friends sing a song about things they're thankful for; Moby takes a road trip to an art exhibit at Veterans' Park in Grand Rapids, MI; Wimee and friends write a story about a cake-eating frog; Ms. Sara translates our key story words into Spanish; Michael creates a cool Wimage in the Lab; Director Adams from the MVAA tells Wimee about Veteran's Day and about who veterans are.

  • Lesson 119

    Moby talks about stories being everywhere; Wimee tells a story about a river trip he took with a worm; Ms. Sara translates today's story words into Spanish; Wimee talks with kids about being writers; Ms. Kelaine takes us on a tour of the KDL Bookmobile where thousands of stories live; and Wimee dreams about discovering the most magical book in the world!

  • Lesson 118

    Wimee and friends sing a guacamole clothing song; Moby tells us about avocados; Wimee and friends write a story about an avocado tree that has no more avocados; Brody tells us how many pounds of guacamole are eaten every year; Ms. Sara translates our key story words into Spanish; Jim sings a funny song about shopping at the grocery store

  • Lesson 117

    Wimee, Moby, and the team sing about ways they show others that they care; Gabe and Charlie display great sportsmanship while they play the game NBA Math Hoops

  • Lesson 16

    Moby tells us about shooting stars; Wimee and friends write a story about a falling moon; Mr. Brad translates the key story words in Swahili and talks about dark sky parks; Ms. Lisa shares a book about a young aspiring astronaut and learns about meteor showers; and Wimee interviews neighboring plants about what they each like about stars!

  • Lesson 15

    Moby tells us what astronauts do in space; Wimee and friends write a story about an astronaut who forgot to pack his fruit; Ms. Grace translates the key story words into Spanish; we learn what our friends would bring with them on a rocketship trip with Jim and Sparky; Ms. Stephanie shares books about Sally Ride with us; and Wimee dreams about blasting off into space on a boat!

  • Lesson 14

    Wimee sings about biking all over the world; Moby tells us about bike buses; Wimee and friends write a story about biking West; Brody asks: bell or horn?; the key story words are translated into Swahili by Mr. Brad; Ms. Lisa shares a cool book with us; and Wimee and team play a fun scavenger hunt!

  • Lesson 13

    Wimee sings about travelling; Moby tells us about cartographers; Wimee and friends write a story about a far-travelling duck; Wimee and Mr. Brad talk about oceans, and Mr. Brad translates the key story words into Swahili. Miss Andrea teaches us how to map our house, and Mr. Michael shares about his travels.

  • Lesson 12

    Wimee sings about a silly rock and Moby tell us about his favorite rock. Wimee and friends write a story about a quest to find a magical rock; Brody shows us some of the rocks he found; Ms. Grace teaches us our key story words in Spanish; Jim orchestrates a large rock, paper, scissors game; and Wimee and Jim show us their Rock Boy songs about Michigan's state rock and stone!

  • Lesson 11

    ABC News Chief Meteorologist Ginger Zee joins Wimee and friends to talk about weather and being a scientist, and Wimee and friends write a story about a cat that took Wimee to school on a boat. Ms. Grace translates our key story words into Spanish; Jim sings about raining food; and Brock and Brody show us how to touch a cloud!

  • Lesson 10

    Wimee and Moby both sing and share about their friends; Wimee and friends write a story about a flying sandwich; Nia creates our story illustration in the HBCU Wimage Lab; Ms. Sara teaches us our key story words in Spanish; Ms. Holly talks to Wimee about what it's like to have autism; Siblee shows us a music video of Boo Lou and her friend playing games; and Miss Maddie has a dance party!

  • Lesson 09

    Wimee sings a goofy song about farm animals; Wimee and friends write a story about a lunch-stealing chicken; Brock joins us in the Wimage Lab; and our key story words are translated into Chinese by Miss Holly. During Tech Talk, Ms. Kelaine teaches us about computer farms; Gabriel joins us to show us his marshmallow farm

  • POP Check - Social emotional support

    Mindful practice tools to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.

  • Wimee's Words shapes Episode graphic

    Lesson 08

    Wimee sings a silly, shapely song; Moby tells about the shapes he saw in nature; Wimee and friends write a story about a flying dragon, a baby, and a rock; Brody and Wimee have fun with shapes together; Ms. Grace translates the key story words into Spanish; Jim sings a guessing game shape song; and our friends McKenna and Mr. Blue show us how to draw shapes and find shapes in nature!

  • Wimee's Words trucks Episode graphic

    Lesson 3

    Wimee sings about a food truck that goes all through the town; Moby wonders about different types of trucks; Wimee and friends write a story about a tiger, some fudge, and a grandma; Wimee translates our key story word into Robot; Damion joins us to talk about driving his food truck; some of our friends point out trucks they spotted in their towns; and Wimee drives a monster truck taxi!

  • Wimee's Words Bats Episode graphic

    Lesson 2

    Wimee has sing-song fun with compound words; Moby tells us about bumblebee bats; Wimee and friends write a story about a glove-wearing bat, a house, and a mom; Miss Holly translates our key story words into Chinese; Ms. Kelaine shows us a fun website dedicated to all things bats; Miss Sarah teaches us how to calm down using our five senses

  • Wimee's Words dolphins Episode graphic

    Lesson 01

    Wimee sings about dolphins doing things kids like to do; Moby shares what helps dolphins swim quickly; Wimee and friends write a story about a rollerblading shark, a dolphin, and a snack-snatching catfish; Brody shows us a video of seeing dolphins in the ocean; Ms. Grace translates our key story words into Spanish; Jim and Laina sing a song about traveling dolphins

  • Wimee's Words flowers Episode graphic

    Lesson 4

    Wimee sings about alphabet rain; Moby tells us about state flowers; Wimee and friends write a story about a wheelbarrow, orchid seeds, and an ice cream party; Michael shows us how to use the new web-based Wimage maker; our key story words are translated into Chinese by Miss Holly; Ms. Kelaine shows a website that helps us identify plants.

  • Wimee's Words paper airplane Episode graphic

    Lesson 07

    Wimee sings about flying all over the world; Moby wonders about how paper airplanes fly; Brody shows the tiny paper airplane he made for Wimito before making today's Wimage; Mr. Brad translates the key story words into Swahili; Ms. Bridget shows us how to make a few different types of paper airplanes; Wimee imagines what it would be like to fly on a paper airplane.

  • Wimee's Words wod games Episode graphic

    Lesson 6

    Wimee and Moby play with rhyming words; Wimee and friends write a story about a singing fairy, a penguin, and a pencil; Grace translates our key story words into Spanish; Jim sings a guessing song featuring Sparky on the bell; Ms.Trisha rhymes with Wimee; and we have fun with our daily scavenger hunt!

  • Wimee's Words baseball Episode graphic

    Lesson 5

    Wimee sings a fun sports song; Moby gets a neck workout from a baseball game; Wimee and friends write a story about a picnic, John Cena, and a peanut trade; Lucy translates our key story words into Spanish; Wimee dreams about playing baseball with a dog; and Jim and Wimee talk baseball - Chicago-style!

  • still from DNR Nature in your neighborhood

    Lesson 01

    Build your own tool to explore the different colors and shapes outside in your neighborhood.

  • Family Math Backpack activity

    Lesson 01

    Create a shape mobile to increase your child’s knowledge of shapes and their properties.

  • AADL Storytime

    Lesson 101

    Join Allison for a storytime from her house!

  • AADL Storytime

    Lesson 102

    Join Lucy for some stories and songs from her house!

  • AADL Storytime

    Lesson 103

    Join Elizabeth for fun stories from her living room!

  • AADL Storytime

    Lesson 104

    Join Allison for a storytime from her house!



  • Make a duck mask necklace and quack along as we count and solve basic math equations.

  • Learn how children can sort, collect, and group objects they see in the real-world A simple chore, like laundry, can be an opportunity to discuss math with your kids.

  • Discover how children learn to count and how you, as a family member or caregiver of a young learner, can help encourage their development. Then explore ways you can bring number sense into the home by recognizing opportunities to talk about math in everyday life, including while clearing the breakfast table.

  • Learn the patterns and rules used to help predict outcomes. Then, while preparing lunch, find patterns and predict what will come next.

  • Look at the world and identify shapes, while discussing the attributes that define them. Then continue the conversation at home while putting groceries away.

  • Kids must develop a spatial sense to communicate with others about the world around them. To do so, it’s important that families use vocabulary related to position and location as often as possible around young learners.

  • In this step-by-step activity video, we create magical bead wands while learning to sort and collect with your child. This video is included as part of PBS SoCal’s Family Math initiative, which provides math tools and support for families of young learners.

  • In this step-by-step activity video, which requires little other than some newspaper and tape, we learn about the vocabulary of location and position (over, under, in front of and behind). Practicing these skills helps your children develop a spatial sense of objects in relation to other objects in a 3D space.

  • In this step-by-step activity video, we create a fun Bingo-style board game while helping your child develop number and counting skills. This video is included as part of PBS SoCal’s Family Math initiative, which provides math tools and support for families of young learners.

  • In this step-by-step activity video, we hunt through magazines and newspapers for shapes while talking to our children about shape names and attributes. We then create colorful collages to share with the family. This video is included as part of PBS SoCal’s Family Math initiative, which provides math tools and support for families of young learners.

  • In this step-by-step activity video, we learn to identify and create patterns before creating a simple loom from popsicle sticks and twine. The loom can be used to create endless patterns for hours of math related fun. This video is included as part of PBS SoCal’s Family Math initiative, which provides math tools and support for families of young learners.

  • Lesson 201

    Wimee and friends write a story about a chair; Ms. Stephanie signs “chair” in ASL; ScribbleJim, Sparky, Laina and Baby Bumblebee play musical chairs; Ms. Sharon from Ventura County Library shares a book about chairs; and Cailynn interviews Wimee’s Neighbor, orthopedic surgeon Dr. Hamilton.

  • Simple gift series logo

    Preschoolers will make music with Marty the Music Man, find something new in Miss Linette’s Curiosity Corner, and read with Betty the Bookworm.

  • Lesson 125

    Wimee and friends sing a song about what babies do; Moby tells us about baby animals; Wimee and friends write [...]

  • Lesson 124

    Wimee and friends write a song about peanut butter sandwiches; Moby shares some facts; Wimee and a friend meet some [...]

  • A forest creature ate all of Chris and Martin's jerky! We're asking our youngest math detectives to solve math puzzles [...]

  • Cookie Monster needs your help finding out who took his cookies! We're asking our youngest math detectives to solve math [...]

  • In this activity, children will create a nighttime city and skip count the windows by 2 using a flashlight. For [...]

  • How many shapes can your child think of? Ask them to draw one shape per a piece of colored paper [...]

  • Create a balance scale to compare weights of household objects. Ask your little one which object they think will be [...]

  • Lesson 123

    Wimee makes a peanut puppet friend and Moby becomes a puppeteer; Wimee and his peanut get scared by a ghost in their story, and Michael makes a Wimage of it; the key words from the story are translated by Ms. Sara into Spanish; Wimee's friend Matt McGee shows us how to make a robot puppet out of recycled materials.

  • Lesson 122

    Moby tells us about kindness chemicals in our brain; Wimee and friends write a story. about a leaf-filled popcorn container; Brody makes a cool Wimage for the story

  • Lesson 121

    Wimee and friends sing a rhyming song about a great big bear; Wimee writes a story about a chipmunk's forest adventure and Nia creates a Wimage for it; Ms. Stephanie teaches us how to say our key story words in ASL; Wimee's friend Rose Johnson tells us a Native American story from Michigan about a bear and his tail

  • Lesson 120

    Wimee and friends sing a song about things they're thankful for; Moby takes a road trip to an art exhibit at Veterans' Park in Grand Rapids, MI; Wimee and friends write a story about a cake-eating frog; Ms. Sara translates our key story words into Spanish; Michael creates a cool Wimage in the Lab; Director Adams from the MVAA tells Wimee about Veteran's Day and about who veterans are.

  • Lesson 119

    Moby talks about stories being everywhere; Wimee tells a story about a river trip he took with a worm; Ms. Sara translates today's story words into Spanish; Wimee talks with kids about being writers; Ms. Kelaine takes us on a tour of the KDL Bookmobile where thousands of stories live; and Wimee dreams about discovering the most magical book in the world!

  • Lesson 118

    Wimee and friends sing a guacamole clothing song; Moby tells us about avocados; Wimee and friends write a story about an avocado tree that has no more avocados; Brody tells us how many pounds of guacamole are eaten every year; Ms. Sara translates our key story words into Spanish; Jim sings a funny song about shopping at the grocery store

  • Lesson 117

    Wimee, Moby, and the team sing about ways they show others that they care; Gabe and Charlie display great sportsmanship while they play the game NBA Math Hoops

  • Lesson 16

    Moby tells us about shooting stars; Wimee and friends write a story about a falling moon; Mr. Brad translates the key story words in Swahili and talks about dark sky parks; Ms. Lisa shares a book about a young aspiring astronaut and learns about meteor showers; and Wimee interviews neighboring plants about what they each like about stars!

  • Lesson 15

    Moby tells us what astronauts do in space; Wimee and friends write a story about an astronaut who forgot to pack his fruit; Ms. Grace translates the key story words into Spanish; we learn what our friends would bring with them on a rocketship trip with Jim and Sparky; Ms. Stephanie shares books about Sally Ride with us; and Wimee dreams about blasting off into space on a boat!

  • Lesson 14

    Wimee sings about biking all over the world; Moby tells us about bike buses; Wimee and friends write a story about biking West; Brody asks: bell or horn?; the key story words are translated into Swahili by Mr. Brad; Ms. Lisa shares a cool book with us; and Wimee and team play a fun scavenger hunt!

  • Lesson 13

    Wimee sings about travelling; Moby tells us about cartographers; Wimee and friends write a story about a far-travelling duck; Wimee and Mr. Brad talk about oceans, and Mr. Brad translates the key story words into Swahili. Miss Andrea teaches us how to map our house, and Mr. Michael shares about his travels.

  • Lesson 12

    Wimee sings about a silly rock and Moby tell us about his favorite rock. Wimee and friends write a story about a quest to find a magical rock; Brody shows us some of the rocks he found; Ms. Grace teaches us our key story words in Spanish; Jim orchestrates a large rock, paper, scissors game; and Wimee and Jim show us their Rock Boy songs about Michigan's state rock and stone!

  • Lesson 11

    ABC News Chief Meteorologist Ginger Zee joins Wimee and friends to talk about weather and being a scientist, and Wimee and friends write a story about a cat that took Wimee to school on a boat. Ms. Grace translates our key story words into Spanish; Jim sings about raining food; and Brock and Brody show us how to touch a cloud!

  • Lesson 10

    Wimee and Moby both sing and share about their friends; Wimee and friends write a story about a flying sandwich; Nia creates our story illustration in the HBCU Wimage Lab; Ms. Sara teaches us our key story words in Spanish; Ms. Holly talks to Wimee about what it's like to have autism; Siblee shows us a music video of Boo Lou and her friend playing games; and Miss Maddie has a dance party!

  • Lesson 09

    Wimee sings a goofy song about farm animals; Wimee and friends write a story about a lunch-stealing chicken; Brock joins us in the Wimage Lab; and our key story words are translated into Chinese by Miss Holly. During Tech Talk, Ms. Kelaine teaches us about computer farms; Gabriel joins us to show us his marshmallow farm

  • POP Check - Social emotional support

    Mindful practice tools to Pause, Own what we are feeling and Practice something to relax.

  • Wimee's Words shapes Episode graphic

    Lesson 08

    Wimee sings a silly, shapely song; Moby tells about the shapes he saw in nature; Wimee and friends write a story about a flying dragon, a baby, and a rock; Brody and Wimee have fun with shapes together; Ms. Grace translates the key story words into Spanish; Jim sings a guessing game shape song; and our friends McKenna and Mr. Blue show us how to draw shapes and find shapes in nature!

  • Wimee's Words trucks Episode graphic

    Lesson 3

    Wimee sings about a food truck that goes all through the town; Moby wonders about different types of trucks; Wimee and friends write a story about a tiger, some fudge, and a grandma; Wimee translates our key story word into Robot; Damion joins us to talk about driving his food truck; some of our friends point out trucks they spotted in their towns; and Wimee drives a monster truck taxi!

  • Wimee's Words Bats Episode graphic

    Lesson 2

    Wimee has sing-song fun with compound words; Moby tells us about bumblebee bats; Wimee and friends write a story about a glove-wearing bat, a house, and a mom; Miss Holly translates our key story words into Chinese; Ms. Kelaine shows us a fun website dedicated to all things bats; Miss Sarah teaches us how to calm down using our five senses

  • Wimee's Words dolphins Episode graphic

    Lesson 01

    Wimee sings about dolphins doing things kids like to do; Moby shares what helps dolphins swim quickly; Wimee and friends write a story about a rollerblading shark, a dolphin, and a snack-snatching catfish; Brody shows us a video of seeing dolphins in the ocean; Ms. Grace translates our key story words into Spanish; Jim and Laina sing a song about traveling dolphins

  • Wimee's Words flowers Episode graphic

    Lesson 4

    Wimee sings about alphabet rain; Moby tells us about state flowers; Wimee and friends write a story about a wheelbarrow, orchid seeds, and an ice cream party; Michael shows us how to use the new web-based Wimage maker; our key story words are translated into Chinese by Miss Holly; Ms. Kelaine shows a website that helps us identify plants.

  • Wimee's Words paper airplane Episode graphic

    Lesson 07

    Wimee sings about flying all over the world; Moby wonders about how paper airplanes fly; Brody shows the tiny paper airplane he made for Wimito before making today's Wimage; Mr. Brad translates the key story words into Swahili; Ms. Bridget shows us how to make a few different types of paper airplanes; Wimee imagines what it would be like to fly on a paper airplane.

  • Wimee's Words wod games Episode graphic

    Lesson 6

    Wimee and Moby play with rhyming words; Wimee and friends write a story about a singing fairy, a penguin, and a pencil; Grace translates our key story words into Spanish; Jim sings a guessing song featuring Sparky on the bell; Ms.Trisha rhymes with Wimee; and we have fun with our daily scavenger hunt!

  • Wimee's Words baseball Episode graphic

    Lesson 5

    Wimee sings a fun sports song; Moby gets a neck workout from a baseball game; Wimee and friends write a story about a picnic, John Cena, and a peanut trade; Lucy translates our key story words into Spanish; Wimee dreams about playing baseball with a dog; and Jim and Wimee talk baseball - Chicago-style!

  • still from DNR Nature in your neighborhood

    Lesson 01

    Build your own tool to explore the different colors and shapes outside in your neighborhood.

  • Family Math Backpack activity

    Lesson 01

    Create a shape mobile to increase your child’s knowledge of shapes and their properties.

  • AADL Storytime

    Lesson 101

    Join Allison for a storytime from her house!

  • AADL Storytime

    Lesson 102

    Join Lucy for some stories and songs from her house!

  • AADL Storytime

    Lesson 103

    Join Elizabeth for fun stories from her living room!

  • AADL Storytime

    Lesson 104

    Join Allison for a storytime from her house!