Students observe dance movie to discover movements used in sports. Students will demonstrate sport movements and abstract the inherent movement. [...]
Ask parents or some other adults about dances done in their community when they were younger. Ask if the person [...]
Students define and discuss the importance of habits, identify good health and safety practices, and discuss how they affect the [...]
Demonstrate the ability to create a dance based on the life cycle of a plant or animal.
Respond to a dance film by demonstrating the ability to create using another art from, and explain the connections between [...]
Sing and play in a small group with accurate pitch, intonation, rhythm, and technique within various music contexts.
Sing and play with understanding, expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing and interpretation.
Blend timbres and match dynamic levels in the group in response to the cues of the conductor.
Play instrumental parts independently while other students sing a contrasting part.
Use a system to read quarter notes and rests, eighth notes and rests, half notes and rests, whole notes and [...]
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, rhythmic and melodic ostinati accompaniments.
Demonstrate basic locomotor skills through moving forward, backward, and sideways in both straight and curved lines to varied tempos.
Explore using different parts of the body to execute the same non-locomotor/axial movements in personal space. Use directional changes: forward, [...]
Demonstrate the ability to make shapes at low, middle, and high levels using selected locomotor and non-locomotor/axial movements.
Respond in general space to tempo changes as dictated by a drum beat, changing direction as the tempo changes.
Using locomotor movements, demonstrate change of direction working with a partner holding one hand; two hands when the movement allows. [...]
With musical accompaniment, demonstrate the ability to make a dance sentence that has beginning, middle, and end in personal and [...]
Demonstrate the ability to design a movement sequence using factors of the elements of time, space, and force.
Students will be introduced to the use of a camera to record movement and given an explanation of the use [...]
Demonstrate the ability to design a movement study of basic locomotor movements, and combinations of locomotor movements using movement elements.
Select a human movement associated with a favorite sport or familiar work, execute the movement, and then change the movement [...]
Students attend a dance concert or are participants in a children's concert. Discuss the experience.
Demonstrate the ability to create a dance study to present to peers, then analyze and discuss the process used.
Demonstrate the ability to create a movement sentence and change same using selected elements of dance. Give reasons for choices [...]
Students learn two social dances, such as the twist and the waltz, and discuss the similarities and differences in terms [...]
Use commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and quotations from a text.
Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence.
Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.
Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Differentiate between contexts that call for formal English (e.g., presenting ideas) and situations where informal discourse is appropriate (e.g., small-group [...]
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 4 reading and content, choosing [...]
Students observe dance movie to discover movements used in sports. Students will demonstrate sport movements and abstract the inherent movement. [...]
Ask parents or some other adults about dances done in their community when they were younger. Ask if the person [...]
Students define and discuss the importance of habits, identify good health and safety practices, and discuss how they affect the [...]
Demonstrate the ability to create a dance based on the life cycle of a plant or animal.
Respond to a dance film by demonstrating the ability to create using another art from, and explain the connections between [...]
Sing and play in a small group with accurate pitch, intonation, rhythm, and technique within various music contexts.
Sing and play with understanding, expressively with appropriate dynamics, phrasing and interpretation.
Blend timbres and match dynamic levels in the group in response to the cues of the conductor.
Play instrumental parts independently while other students sing a contrasting part.
Use a system to read quarter notes and rests, eighth notes and rests, half notes and rests, whole notes and [...]
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, rhythmic and melodic ostinati accompaniments.
Demonstrate basic locomotor skills through moving forward, backward, and sideways in both straight and curved lines to varied tempos.
Explore using different parts of the body to execute the same non-locomotor/axial movements in personal space. Use directional changes: forward, [...]
Demonstrate the ability to make shapes at low, middle, and high levels using selected locomotor and non-locomotor/axial movements.
Respond in general space to tempo changes as dictated by a drum beat, changing direction as the tempo changes.
Using locomotor movements, demonstrate change of direction working with a partner holding one hand; two hands when the movement allows. [...]
With musical accompaniment, demonstrate the ability to make a dance sentence that has beginning, middle, and end in personal and [...]
Demonstrate the ability to design a movement sequence using factors of the elements of time, space, and force.
Students will be introduced to the use of a camera to record movement and given an explanation of the use [...]
Demonstrate the ability to design a movement study of basic locomotor movements, and combinations of locomotor movements using movement elements.
Select a human movement associated with a favorite sport or familiar work, execute the movement, and then change the movement [...]
Students attend a dance concert or are participants in a children's concert. Discuss the experience.
Demonstrate the ability to create a dance study to present to peers, then analyze and discuss the process used.
Demonstrate the ability to create a movement sentence and change same using selected elements of dance. Give reasons for choices [...]
Students learn two social dances, such as the twist and the waltz, and discuss the similarities and differences in terms [...]
Use commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and quotations from a text.
Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in a compound sentence.
Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as needed.
Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
Differentiate between contexts that call for formal English (e.g., presenting ideas) and situations where informal discourse is appropriate (e.g., small-group [...]
Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grade 4 reading and content, choosing [...]