Lesson 103
What is special about Michigan? Learn about the re- and un- prefixes, read a hybrid text about a Michigan turtle, and work on some informational writing.
Lesson 104
Learn more about the prefixes re- and un-, and work on some informational writing.
Lesson 105
Help answer the big question: what makes you a Michigan kid? Learn about the -ful and -less suffixes and practice narrative, writing.
Lesson 106
Learn how base words change when we add a prefix or a suffix, and work on some narrative writing.
Lesson 107
Answer the big question: what is special about my community? Learn about the -able and -er suffixes, read a text about a powwow, and practice narrative writing.
Lesson 108
Practice narrative writing, learn more about how base words change when we add a prefix or suffix, and read more about a powwow.
Lesson 109
Learn about the over- and mis- prefixes, read a text about a special name, and work on some narrative writing.
Lesson 110
Learn more about the prefixes over- and mis-, and work on narrative writing.
Lesson 201
Learn the fore- and trans- prefixes, read about trout, and learn about narrative writing.
Lesson 202
Learn the fore- and trans- prefixes and learn more about narrative writing.
Lesson 203
Learn about the -ous and -en suffixes, read a nonfiction text about salmon, and brainstorm ideas for narrative writing.
Read stories and try hands-on STEM projects at Traverse City's historic Opera House.
Take a virtual trip outside with your Metroparks. This time on the trail we found a sign from a skunk that has ventured through Willow Metropark.
As we go along the trail in Oakwoods Metropark, we are looking for signs of animals. If we’re lucky we might see something like a beaver chew!
This time on the trail we found a sign from a deer that has ventured through Oakwoods Metropark.
Learn about the two fox species we have here in Michigan. Discover what makes each fox unique and learn some ways to identify them.
With this video we will look closely at those eggs, discover what is inside of them, have a fun little experiment and more!
In early March 2020, some Metropark interpreters presented hatching programs to several elementary schools in Southeastern Michigan.
Learn about eastern tiger salamanders and watch Helga enjoy some yummy meal worms.
Why don't hens and hawks get along? Join David, educator and storyteller, as he tells the tale of the hawk and the hen through visual storytelling. 3:36 What gives hyenas their unusual walking style? Join David, educator and storyteller, as he tells the tale of "The Hyena and the Crow"
Have you ever wondered why mosquitoes always seem to be buzzing in our ears? Join David, educator and storyteller for the Detroit Zoological Society, as he tells the story of the mosquito.
What gives hyenas their unusual walking style? Join David, educator and storyteller, as he tells the tale of "The Hyena and the Crow" through visual storytelling.
In this episode of Animal Welfare Tales, we share the stories of Buster and Trio, two thoroughbred horses who were rescued from the horse racing industry and found sanctuary at the Detroit Zoo.
Join us in this episode of Celebrating Science as we spotlight the director of the National Amphibian Conservation Center, Dr. Ruth Marcec-Greaves and see. See how her love of amphibians has shaped her life from the very beginning.
When it comes to fairytales not all amphibians are treated equally. Join Zahraa, education specialist for the Detroit Zoological Society, to separate the myths from the misconceptions about frogs and toads.
When people visit the Detroit Zoo, they often head straight for our many animal habitats. These habitats and their animal inhabitants are amazing, but they are not the only places at the Zoo that are worth checking out. In this special series, Secret Zoo, we will share some of the Detroit Zoo’s less known, but equally fascinating features. This first episode focuses on three of the Detroit Zoo’s hidden greenspaces.
Why do giraffes stand so tall? Join David, educator and storyteller, as he tells the tale of "When the Giraffes First Raised Their Necks" through visual storytelling.
Have you ever heard the sound of a steel tongue drum? Detroit musician Demetrius Thomas demonstrates this beautiful instrument which he uses to explore otherworldly and unplugged sonic environments.
Work on a difficult task to build a strong foundation.
Curious about coding? Meet Kinsley, a software engineer at Facebook.
Only 3% of Black students learn computer science in high school or beyond. Inspire or encourage a Black student to try computer science, and let them know they belong.
Chat with basketball star Stephen Curry on the importance of computer science.
Lesson 6
Gotta figure out a way to clean up this mess. It’s gonna take a master plan and imagination to do [...]
Lesson 5
These four women from around the world have fought bravely to save the environment. Our heroes are Rachel Carson from [...]
To Crescenciana Tan, family meant everything. After years of labor in the Philippines, she came to the U.S. to help raise her grandchildren, who called her Lola. Using StoryCorps Connect, her grandson, Kenneth, told his mother Olivia about the greatest lesson Lola taught him.
On January 28, 1986, NASA Challenger mission STS-51-L ended in tragedy when the shuttle exploded 73 seconds after takeoff. On board was physicist Ronald E. McNair, who was the second African American to enter space. But first, he was a kid with big dreams in Lake City, South Carolina.
“You know, it’s the little things that you do day in and day out that I admired for the last 8 years. I don’t think you can find a better person to be friends with.” Every week, Herman Travis loads up a heavy shopping cart full of groceries from a food bank to bring to elderly neighbors in a low-income housing complex. Over time, he’s become close with the residents, including Robert Cochran. Together they came to StoryCorps to talk about how meaningful this weekly gesture has become to them both.
Allen Hoe was as a combat medic in Vietnam. His oldest son, Nainoa K. Hoe, served as a first lieutenant infantry officer with the Army’s 3rd Battalion in Iraq. In January 2005, while leading his men through Mosul, Iraq, Nainoa was killed by sniper fire. He was 27. On Memorial Day in 2005, Allen traveled from Hawaii to Washington, D.C. for an event honoring Army nurses returning home from the war. He remembers meeting the Army nurse who had cared for his son after he had been shot and killed during combat in Mosul, Iraq.
Lesson 103
What is special about Michigan? Learn about the re- and un- prefixes, read a hybrid text about a Michigan turtle, and work on some informational writing.
Lesson 104
Learn more about the prefixes re- and un-, and work on some informational writing.
Lesson 105
Help answer the big question: what makes you a Michigan kid? Learn about the -ful and -less suffixes and practice narrative, writing.
Lesson 106
Learn how base words change when we add a prefix or a suffix, and work on some narrative writing.
Lesson 107
Answer the big question: what is special about my community? Learn about the -able and -er suffixes, read a text about a powwow, and practice narrative writing.
Lesson 108
Practice narrative writing, learn more about how base words change when we add a prefix or suffix, and read more about a powwow.
Lesson 109
Learn about the over- and mis- prefixes, read a text about a special name, and work on some narrative writing.
Lesson 110
Learn more about the prefixes over- and mis-, and work on narrative writing.
Lesson 201
Learn the fore- and trans- prefixes, read about trout, and learn about narrative writing.
Lesson 202
Learn the fore- and trans- prefixes and learn more about narrative writing.
Lesson 203
Learn about the -ous and -en suffixes, read a nonfiction text about salmon, and brainstorm ideas for narrative writing.
Read stories and try hands-on STEM projects at Traverse City's historic Opera House.
Take a virtual trip outside with your Metroparks. This time on the trail we found a sign from a skunk that has ventured through Willow Metropark.
As we go along the trail in Oakwoods Metropark, we are looking for signs of animals. If we’re lucky we might see something like a beaver chew!
This time on the trail we found a sign from a deer that has ventured through Oakwoods Metropark.
Learn about the two fox species we have here in Michigan. Discover what makes each fox unique and learn some ways to identify them.
With this video we will look closely at those eggs, discover what is inside of them, have a fun little experiment and more!
In early March 2020, some Metropark interpreters presented hatching programs to several elementary schools in Southeastern Michigan.
Learn about eastern tiger salamanders and watch Helga enjoy some yummy meal worms.
Why don't hens and hawks get along? Join David, educator and storyteller, as he tells the tale of the hawk and the hen through visual storytelling. 3:36 What gives hyenas their unusual walking style? Join David, educator and storyteller, as he tells the tale of "The Hyena and the Crow"
Have you ever wondered why mosquitoes always seem to be buzzing in our ears? Join David, educator and storyteller for the Detroit Zoological Society, as he tells the story of the mosquito.
What gives hyenas their unusual walking style? Join David, educator and storyteller, as he tells the tale of "The Hyena and the Crow" through visual storytelling.
In this episode of Animal Welfare Tales, we share the stories of Buster and Trio, two thoroughbred horses who were rescued from the horse racing industry and found sanctuary at the Detroit Zoo.
Join us in this episode of Celebrating Science as we spotlight the director of the National Amphibian Conservation Center, Dr. Ruth Marcec-Greaves and see. See how her love of amphibians has shaped her life from the very beginning.
When it comes to fairytales not all amphibians are treated equally. Join Zahraa, education specialist for the Detroit Zoological Society, to separate the myths from the misconceptions about frogs and toads.
When people visit the Detroit Zoo, they often head straight for our many animal habitats. These habitats and their animal inhabitants are amazing, but they are not the only places at the Zoo that are worth checking out. In this special series, Secret Zoo, we will share some of the Detroit Zoo’s less known, but equally fascinating features. This first episode focuses on three of the Detroit Zoo’s hidden greenspaces.
Why do giraffes stand so tall? Join David, educator and storyteller, as he tells the tale of "When the Giraffes First Raised Their Necks" through visual storytelling.
Have you ever heard the sound of a steel tongue drum? Detroit musician Demetrius Thomas demonstrates this beautiful instrument which he uses to explore otherworldly and unplugged sonic environments.
Work on a difficult task to build a strong foundation.
Curious about coding? Meet Kinsley, a software engineer at Facebook.
Only 3% of Black students learn computer science in high school or beyond. Inspire or encourage a Black student to try computer science, and let them know they belong.
Chat with basketball star Stephen Curry on the importance of computer science.
Lesson 6
Gotta figure out a way to clean up this mess. It’s gonna take a master plan and imagination to do [...]
Lesson 5
These four women from around the world have fought bravely to save the environment. Our heroes are Rachel Carson from [...]
To Crescenciana Tan, family meant everything. After years of labor in the Philippines, she came to the U.S. to help raise her grandchildren, who called her Lola. Using StoryCorps Connect, her grandson, Kenneth, told his mother Olivia about the greatest lesson Lola taught him.
On January 28, 1986, NASA Challenger mission STS-51-L ended in tragedy when the shuttle exploded 73 seconds after takeoff. On board was physicist Ronald E. McNair, who was the second African American to enter space. But first, he was a kid with big dreams in Lake City, South Carolina.
“You know, it’s the little things that you do day in and day out that I admired for the last 8 years. I don’t think you can find a better person to be friends with.” Every week, Herman Travis loads up a heavy shopping cart full of groceries from a food bank to bring to elderly neighbors in a low-income housing complex. Over time, he’s become close with the residents, including Robert Cochran. Together they came to StoryCorps to talk about how meaningful this weekly gesture has become to them both.
Allen Hoe was as a combat medic in Vietnam. His oldest son, Nainoa K. Hoe, served as a first lieutenant infantry officer with the Army’s 3rd Battalion in Iraq. In January 2005, while leading his men through Mosul, Iraq, Nainoa was killed by sniper fire. He was 27. On Memorial Day in 2005, Allen traveled from Hawaii to Washington, D.C. for an event honoring Army nurses returning home from the war. He remembers meeting the Army nurse who had cared for his son after he had been shot and killed during combat in Mosul, Iraq.