Respond to the cues of the conductor for dynamic levels and expressive qualities.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, rhythmic and melodic ostinati accompaniments.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, answers that are rhythmic and melodic.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, rhythmic variations for a familiar song.
Use a variety of traditional and non-traditional sound sources and electronic media when composing, arranging, and improvising appropriate to 2nd [...]
Add vocal, instrumental, and physical responses to a selection presented in 2nd grade.
Use invented or standard notation to transcribe increasingly difficult rhythms and melodies.
Describe the music performed and presented in 2nd grade by moving, drawing, or through other appropriate responses.
Introduce music vocabulary to describe the qualities of music of various styles.
Working in pairs, follow a leader. Change so that the leader becomes the follower.
Use locomotor movements and pathways to create a sequence with a beginning, middle, and an end.
Explore movement by responding to occurrences in nature, such as a storm or a flower blooming.
Explore timing, such as fast/slow, strong/light within personal and general space to discover and invent movement.
Demonstrate the ability to make a simple movement sequence using the elements, force, and level.
Demonstrate the ability to perform basic locomotor movements and locomotor combinations, and to vary locomotor movements by changing space, and [...]
Students experience a dance or dance concert appropriate for children and discuss the experience.
Teacher assists students in discovering several solutions to a problem using elements of dance.
Students learn two singing dances and discuss the similarities and differences in terms of the elements of dance.
Use developmentally appropriate singing voice and physically show melodic contour.
Demonstrate the following skills: run, hop (one foot to the same foot), skip, leap (one foot to the other), jump [...]
Demonstrate accurately non-locomotor movement within personal space using large muscle groups of the torso and legs.
Explore shapes at low, middle, and high levels using non-locomotor/axial movements.
Demonstrate the ability to execute movement at a moderate tempo and a fast tempo in general space.
Demonstrate the ability to use locomotor movements with a partner while holding one hand.
Use adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified.
Produce, expand, and rearrange complete simple and compound sentences (e.g., The boy watched the movie; The little boy watched the [...]
I can use capital letters correctly. I can use punctuation correctly. I can use common spelling pattern when writing words.
Respond to the cues of the conductor for dynamic levels and expressive qualities.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, rhythmic and melodic ostinati accompaniments.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, answers that are rhythmic and melodic.
Create through exploration, improvisation, and composition, rhythmic variations for a familiar song.
Use a variety of traditional and non-traditional sound sources and electronic media when composing, arranging, and improvising appropriate to 2nd [...]
Add vocal, instrumental, and physical responses to a selection presented in 2nd grade.
Use invented or standard notation to transcribe increasingly difficult rhythms and melodies.
Describe the music performed and presented in 2nd grade by moving, drawing, or through other appropriate responses.
Introduce music vocabulary to describe the qualities of music of various styles.
Working in pairs, follow a leader. Change so that the leader becomes the follower.
Use locomotor movements and pathways to create a sequence with a beginning, middle, and an end.
Explore movement by responding to occurrences in nature, such as a storm or a flower blooming.
Explore timing, such as fast/slow, strong/light within personal and general space to discover and invent movement.
Demonstrate the ability to make a simple movement sequence using the elements, force, and level.
Demonstrate the ability to perform basic locomotor movements and locomotor combinations, and to vary locomotor movements by changing space, and [...]
Students experience a dance or dance concert appropriate for children and discuss the experience.
Teacher assists students in discovering several solutions to a problem using elements of dance.
Students learn two singing dances and discuss the similarities and differences in terms of the elements of dance.
Use developmentally appropriate singing voice and physically show melodic contour.
Demonstrate the following skills: run, hop (one foot to the same foot), skip, leap (one foot to the other), jump [...]
Demonstrate accurately non-locomotor movement within personal space using large muscle groups of the torso and legs.
Explore shapes at low, middle, and high levels using non-locomotor/axial movements.
Demonstrate the ability to execute movement at a moderate tempo and a fast tempo in general space.
Demonstrate the ability to use locomotor movements with a partner while holding one hand.
Use adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified.
Produce, expand, and rearrange complete simple and compound sentences (e.g., The boy watched the movie; The little boy watched the [...]
I can use capital letters correctly. I can use punctuation correctly. I can use common spelling pattern when writing words.