English Language Arts

English Language Arts

English shows and lessons that are aligned with Michigan educational standards.

Explore the World of Reading and Writing

The Michigan Learning Channel supports English Language Arts teachers and students from preschool to high school with free educational resources and videos. Find direct instruction of Michigan teaching standards, plus supplemental content like writing prompts, virtual field trips, and more.

Programs like Read, Write, ROAR!, Live from the Opera House, Story Pirates, and more have activity sheets that correspond to each video for students to complete as they watch, or as extra practice anytime.

All of our content is free to use for everyone. Educators use our videos in the classroom to introduce or reinforce topics, as plans for substitute teachers, and for students looking for extra practice in target areas. Families use lessons as an opportunity to learn together as a family, covering the same things as the classroom with the ability to pause and rewind for important points.

  • "تمثل المكتبة مكانًا مهمًا لممارسي القراءة والكتابة في المراحل التعليمية المبكرة. يساعد ترك الأطفال يستكشفون اهتماماتهم في الكتب على تنشئة عقول تواقة للمعرفة. "The library represents an important place for reading and writing practice in the early educational stages. Allowing children to explore their interests in books helps nurture knowledge-hungry minds.

  • في عالم ملئ بالتكنولوجيا يأتي كل شيء فيه بسرعة كبيرة، لماذا لا نستغل لفرصة لإبطاء الأمور؟ من إحدى طرق ذلك قضاء الوقت في تأليف الخطابات وكتابتها وإرسالها بالبريد إلى الأصدقاء والعائلة. In a technology-filled world where everything comes quickly, why not take the opportunity to slow things down? One way to do that is spending time composing, writing, and sending letters by mail to friends and family.

  • Lesson 201

    What are the people who help us stores and restaurants called? Service workers! Learn all about these community helpers as we prepare a menu and start our own pizzeria!

  • Lesson 202

    Learn all about Food and Farm Workers, who are very important Community Helpers. Then, try farming for yourself by learning how to plant your own food!

  • Lesson 203

    Where can you go to find books, movies, music, and so much more? The library! Libraries are the home for books in our communities and they are run by librarians. Learn all about how librarians do their work, and then help us write a song all about them!

  • Lesson 204

    Learn about the community helpers that keep our bodies healthy – medical helpers! Then, learn how to keep germs away and how to teach others to do it too.

  • Lesson 205

    Learn about the people who make the buildings in our communities...construction workers. Learn about the tools they use and even practice building on your own!

  • Lesson 206

    How do packages and letters make it to our homes? They are delivered by community helpers called mail carriers. Learn how to write your own letters to a friend.

  • Students showcase their submissions to the national PBS/KQED Youth Media Challenges alongside student-produced interviews about their work.

  • Learn how you can help the early learns in your life build the skills and muscles needed to be great writers.