
In the world of Cyberchase, the dastardly villain Hacker is on a mad mission to overthrow Motherboard and take over Cyberspace with the help of his blundering henchbots, Buzz and Delete. But Motherboard enlists the help of three curious kids, Inez, Jackie, and Matt, and their cyberpal, Digit, to stop him. Their weapon: brain power. In For Real, the live-action segment following each animated episode, Harry and Bianca show kids how math can help solve life’s wacky problems in the real world. Developed for kids ages 8 to 11 and packed with mystery, humor, and action, Cyberchase delivers positive messages about math by teaching concepts in a fun way that kids can understand.

Green It Up This Summer

This summer, you can find activities from the Cyberchase Green It Up program on our website and throughout our Summer Activity Books. With this program, students learn STEM skills and get excited about helping our environment. Watch episodes of the show, then experiment with the same math and science concepts as the Cybersquad! Find an episode below or browse all Cyberchase episodes.

Cyberchase Episodes